Speaker: Rev. Allison Farnum

The Welcome Table: You’re Invited

A gentle reminder that we get to all sit at a table that we did not set. You are invited! Come, sit, and rejoice in the joy of inclusion. Leave a chair (or space) open for who and what may be coming next.

The Welcome Table: You’re Invited

A gentle reminder that we get to all sit at a table that we did not set. You are invited! Come, sit, and rejoice in the joy of inclusion. Leave a chair (or space) open for who and what may be coming next.

The Great Story

This Sunday is your gentle reminder that humans are the universe made conscious of itself. Within this larger perspective, let us cling to the grandeur and mystery of Life and our role to live consciously, made of stardust.

Discerning the Call

This Sunday, take time to discern where Life is calling you and how our movements together create strength that serves the community.

Circle Round

Join Rev Allison Farnum and UUPMI Consultant and Activist Monica Cosby as we explore deep listening through the lens of restorative justice. We will learn about the deeper, more holistic framework that is transformative justice, participating in systemic repair of the world.

Inviting Balance

Inspired by the Fall Equinox, the brief moment of balance invites us toward deeper reflection around bringing balance into our own lives.

You’ve Got a Friend

Join Rev. Allison Farnum from the UU Prison Ministry of Illinois as this UU-Affiliated statewide organization invites opportunities for prisoner solidarity in their Ending Death by Incarceration campaign.

Goodness and Mercy

In a dominant culture that fetishizes crime and punishment while remaining apathetic to the failures of the penal system, our Unitarian Universalist theologies remind us that we can rely on deeper truths of goodness and mercy that still hold each of us accountable in and to the interdependent web … read more.