Prelude                                       “Morning Has Broken”          Trad. Gaelic, arr. Larson




Singing #1029               “Love Knocks and Waits for Us to Hear”

Daniel Charles Damon


Land Acknowledgement                                                                               


Covenant                            Love is the spirit of this church,

and reason is its guide.

To dwell together in peace,

to seek truth in freedom,

and to serve human need:

this is our covenant.


Sung Response                   May love shine forth through us today

May light of reason guide our way

May beauty, truth, and joy become

A flame that burns in everyone.


Invocation                                                                                    Rev. Bowie Kling-Garcia


Musical Response                       “Keepers of the Earth”                                        Poley


Story for All Ages          “The Curious Garden” by Peter Brown            Lindsay Trank


Family Recessional      “This Little Light of Mine” (#118)

African American spiritual

We will exit through the back doors of the sanctuary to go downstairs. Parents are welcome to escort their children downstairs and attend Religious Education with them, as they wish. Children of all ages are welcome to stay in the service.


Offering                             “To a Wild Rose” (Op. 51, No. 1)                        MacDowell 


Testimony                                                                                                   Alexis Simmons


Singing #21                           “For the Beauty of the Earth”               Pierpoint/Kocher


Reading            “Today When I Could Do Nothing” by Jane Hirshfield

Rev. Marlene




Anthem                                                 “Part of It”                                     Morris & Podd


Message                                   Planting Seeds of Resilience   Rev. Bowie Kling-Garcia


Singing #1064                                 “Blue Boat Home”                          Mayer/Prichard


*Benediction and Closing Blessing                                                                             Scott