Caring Team & Pastoral Care

“Life has its battles, sorrows, and regret: but . . . let us not forget: we who now gather know each other’s pain; kindness can heal us, as we give, we gain.”
These words, from Alicia Carpenter’s song, “Here We Have Gathered,” are embodied in our caring ministry. If you, or someone you know in the congregation, needs a helping hand, someone to talk to, or a referral for professional service, please ask.
The best way to access the caring ministry of the church is to contact Rev. Joyce or Autumn in the office. They will pass the need along to a member of the caring team. We have a team of trained volunteers to make hospital visits, be a listening ear, or help with limited needs.
Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson and Rev. Joyce Palmer are available for pastoral care and counseling for members, pledging friends, and newcomers to the church. If you’d like to talk to Matthew, please let him know directly and he’ll schedule an appointment as soon as possible, almost always within a day or two. The best way to reach him is by email, at, but you can also call the office ext 4. He can also provide referrals as needed. If you would like to talk to Rev. Joyce please set up an appointment with her at or call the office ext. 3.
The caring ministry of the church extends beyond the official team, and the staff, of course — it is how we treat each other, and how we connect in small groups, programs, and friendship networks. Reach out to someone you know or don’t yet – and remember, “as we give, we gain.”