Speaker: Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson

The Levant

As the horrible violence against children and other civilians continues in Gaza, and as the overall conflict in the area known as “The Levant” continues on and on, what do our values call us to do and say about this?

The State of UUism

Reflections on our faith. Given the most recent General Assembly, and conversations with leaders across our faith, how are we doing? Where are we going? How is our living tradition changing and becoming? And how are we working to shape our fragile and changing world?

Q & A

One of our collective favorite services of each year.  You ask questions – about faith, the church, anything, really – and I do my best to answer as many as I can.  What are you interested in?  What do you want to know?  You can … read more.

Start by Starting

When we consider how we might renew our lives, sometimes we get stuck with all the options, steps, advice, and worry. Do we have all we need? How will it go? What do I do? A teacher gave my son this advice when he was … read more.

Let Your Freak Flag Fly

Being religious and liberal in this modern world is an increasingly counter-cultural way to be.  Reflections on how taking pride in our freakiness can help us renew our lives and our church.

All of the Colors — Flower Celebration

What does it mean to be a multi-religious faith tradition? Unitarian Universalists are very distinct in our embrace of multiple spiritual perspectives within our congregations and within ourselves. How do we make this work well? We’ll celebrate our pluralism – and share in the flower … read more.

Pick Your Battles

What does the wise mother, and wise parent, have in common with the Philosopher Karl Popper? And what does that wisdom tell us about how to approach this fraught moment in time? Come find out!

Interdependence and Intimacy

One of the deep human hungers to connect with others on a deep level. This longing for intimacy expresses itself in friendship, sexuality, conversation, and play. We’ll explore this hunger and how to align our practices of intimacy with our values in a world that … read more.