Speaker: Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson

American Stories

On the eve of both The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day and the Presidential Inauguration, we’ll reflect on American stories. There is not one, but many American stories – about who we have been, are and will be. These contested stories shape our … read more.

Your Story

What if you are the author of your story? What if you decide how to tell it, what it means, what the chapters are called, and what happens next? Not that you might be an “omnipresent narrator” nor an “unreliable” one, but a … read more.

Our Story

What is the story of this church? When I do the newcomer orientation, I share the history of this church. Folks who hear it say “that would make a good sermon!” It’s a story of resilience, justice, betrayal and healing, and discovery and … read more.

New Year

Folks will have a chance to reflect on their hopes and intentions for the year before us. There may be an art project.

Christmas Eve Candlelight

Join us for traditional lessons and carols Christmas eve service. This year, we will consider what it takes to make the journey to Bethlehem, and how we might be changed by going – or not. What journey awaits you?


We will celebrate the ancient story, and add some new variations. This is a no-rehearsal, all-ages celebration with lots of songs, joy, and laughter. Come join us.


Unitarian Universalists have adopted a stance towards “radical incarnationalism,” holding that the divine or sacred is present in all of life and every person. In this season when billions celebrate “God becoming flesh,” we’ll reflect on how it might make us live if we … read more.

Repairing the Souls of Men

Many folks have identified a crisis in masculinity.  Loneliness, rising addiction, decreasing educational attainment, rage and the turn to the right, and violence are some of the symptoms.  I’ll give my reflections on this question – the nature of the crisis, and how we might … read more.

What’s Broken and What Isn’t?

A strength-based approach to repair and change suggests that instead of always asking “what’s wrong?” we might start with “what’s right?”  What has worked for us, and how can we build on that?  We’ll consider what healing looks like, both for our own lives and … read more.

Now What?

What might it mean now to be faithful to our values of love and justice? And how might we, now, cast our lot with those who reconstitute the world?