Speaker: Rev. Joyce Palmer

Dream a Little

Freedom does not happen overnight. Let’s dream together about building the Beloved Community and how to bring it to life with a renewed sense of activism.

Creating Space

We are entering the season of Advent, a time of preparation. We prepare our homes for guests, clean the house, put up the decorations, and cook and bake the special recipes. We select and wrap just the right gift and we’re super busy. And … read more.

Invitation to Chill

In a world that often seems to run on stress and urgency, how can we find and maintain a sense of inner peace? This sermon explores the Unitarian Universalist approach to living a stress-free life. We will delve into spiritual, emotional, and practical tools … read more.

Womanism Then and Now

Womanism is a term coined by Alice Walker and embraced by feminist women of color in a variety of fields. Today I will share what I understand womanism to mean and how it’s focus on Black women’s voices and concerns can open our minds and … read more.

What is Restorative Justice?

Come learn and experience the power of the restorative justice circles. Restorative circles are a pathway to restore relationships, build community, and resolve conflict. We will experience the benefits of reflective listening in a facilitated group relying on a compassionate process with opportunities to acknowledge … read more.

A Listening Heart

Listening and learning to listen are lifelong processes. The need to listen in situations which include our interpersonal relationships and our efforts to work across differences with community partners, makes the job of listening a more daunting and critical task. How do we listen … read more.

Living a Life of Surrender

The idea of living a life of surrender is complicated by our identities and society. What would it take to create communities where everyone gets to be vulnerable and is supported to embrace their full selves?

Until We Reckon

A small group of us have been reading and discussing the UUA Common Read Defund Fear: Safety Without Policing, Prisons, and Punishment by Zach Norris. The failure of mass incarceration to keep us safe is becoming increasingly clear. There are better ways to hold individuals accountable and increase … read more.