Speaker: Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson
Calling In, Calling Out, Cancelling, and Context
As we continue our month on “respect,” we’ll turn the question of how Unitarian Universalists, who believe in both freedom and accountability, should approach these difficult questions of “cancel culture,” “accountability,” “freedom” and such.
Order of Service March 14, 2021
Aretha Franklin took a song by Otis Reading and transformed it into a feminist anthem of self-respect and affirmation. Grounded in gospel and the church, Franklin’s life and career testify to the power of resilience and demanding to be treated with respect. We’ll begin our … read more.
Have Mercy On My Soul
Centuries ago, a group of mostly self-educated people in New England came to a startling realization. They read their Bible and found no evidence of eternal punishment for sins. They considered what it meant to believe in a loving God and rejected the idea of … read more.
Love and Mercy
For human relationships to thrive – friendships, family, colleagues, and lovers – they must have mercy in them. When we care about each other enough to take care of each other’s wounds and to notice and respond to our hurts and hopes then our love … read more.
Just Mercy
“Just Mercy” is the title of Bryan Stevenson’s book on his experiences as a death-penalty lawyer, working to stop executions and death-in-prison sentences. It’s also the name of the movie based on the book. And it is a theological call – to lead with mercy … read more.
And the Trees Shall Clap Their Hands
We conclude our series on Isaiah with words from Isaiah 55. Words of hope, joy, and celebration. Let us name what is good, and remember what is worth working for.
Every Valley Exalted
On this Dr. King weekend, when our democracy and the idea of justice is under threat, we turn to one of his favorite passages, Isaiah 40, to explore what it means to believe in holy justice and to give our spirit, our time, and our … read more.
Here I am, Send Me!
In the sixth chapter of Isaiah, the Lord asks “who will I send” to tell people to live with justice and mercy. Isaiah replies, “Here I am, send me” – even though he is terrified, imperfect, and unsure. What does it mean to answer the … read more.
Desolation: Cause and Remedy
This week, we begin a four-sermon series on the Book of Isaiah. Isaiah (and his followers) write almost 3000 years ago, but their reflections on tragedy, justice, the prophetic task, healing, and hope resonate today as much as they ever had. In the first chapter, … read more.