Speaker: Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson

Every Valley Exalted

On this Dr. King weekend, when our democracy and the idea of justice is under threat, we turn to one of his favorite passages, Isaiah 40, to explore what it means to believe in holy justice and to give our spirit, our time, and our … read more.

Here I am, Send Me!

In the sixth chapter of Isaiah, the Lord asks “who will I send” to tell people to live with justice and mercy.  Isaiah replies, “Here I am, send me” – even though he is terrified, imperfect, and unsure.  What does it mean to answer the … read more.

Desolation: Cause and Remedy

This week, we begin a four-sermon series on the Book of Isaiah.  Isaiah (and his followers) write almost 3000 years ago, but their reflections on tragedy, justice, the prophetic task, healing, and hope resonate today as much as they ever had.  In the first chapter, … read more.

A Light in the Darkness

Kindness is a gift we give and receive when we treat others, and when are treated, with love and care.  In this hard year, kindness is a blessing we all need.  Who and what has given you kindness this year?  What would it mean to … read more.