Speaker: Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson

The 9th Principle?

In last fall’s Auction, Bob Arevalo won the right to choose a sermon topic. He asked, “we know that an 8th principle of Unitarian Universalism is likely to happen. What do you think should be the 9th?” It was a great question, and I have what I think … read more.

The Welcome Table

The African-American Spiritual, the Welcome Table, is a profound song, celebrating a God who welcomes you to God’s table – even if the world too often doesn’t let you sit at it. Using a powerful story from Alice Walker as our text, we’ll examine how … read more.


Lammas is the Celtic holiday celebrating the first summer harvest; it comes midway between the Summer Solstice and the Fall Equinox – August 1st.  As we begin a month on the topic of “Communion,” the Lammas holiday invites us to rethink our relationship with the … read more.

The Journey Home

Now that parts of life are “turning back on”, we’re beginning to deal with the work of our hearts.  And the emotional and cognitive cost has been paid during this pandemic, political upheaval, and racial reckoning.  In the hero’s journey, coming home is often more … read more.


I have completed three pilgrimages so far, and these experiences have deeply informed my life.  Many folks who do a pilgrimage find it to be one of the most powerful experiences in their life.  But a pilgrimage doesn’t have to be physically arduous to be … read more.

Care for the Soul of Others

What does it mean to offer care, do justice, and live in a relationship with others in a way that cares for their soul?  When we recognize the humanity and divinity of other people, how should we respond? 


Care for your Soul

What does it mean to care for your soul?  What is a soul, and how does one care for it?  We’ll explore these questions through the only way we can: metaphor and mystery. Join us. The annual meeting will follow the service.

Online and In-Person
MASKS … read more.

Gather the Spirit

We will gather both in-person and online for the first time since last March.  What does it mean to “gather in spirit and power?” Why is a gathering of spirit so important? We’ll rededicate our space and our community in a briefer-than-normal service, then there … read more.

What We Learned the Hard Way

Since March of last year, in this extraordinary and extraordinarily difficult year, things have been revealed.  Some were already known to some, while some of us learned things for the first.  What did we learn the hard way?  What must we not forget?  What does … read more.