Speaker: Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson

The Gift of Healing

We’ll expand on the story of the magi’s gifts to explore how we can give and accept the gifts of healing from others.  What is the “gold, frankincense, and myrrh” for our time? 

Christmas Eve

An all-ages Christmas Eve candlelight serve with readings, music, and reflections.  Masks are required.  If the weather behaves, we will end the service outside with candles and the singing of silent night.  Bring your friends and family. 

The Power of Stories – the Pageant!

We welcome the children and youth back to the sanctuary with our all-ages (really, all) interactive retelling of ancient story of Christmas.  Why do we retell familiar stories, over and over again?  What power do such stories have?  Please join us.

Captives, Go Free

Part of the advent message – contained in Mary’s prayer for “the rich to be brought down” and in the prophecies of Isaiah “to release the prisoners” and to “let justice roll down like waters” – is a hope for systems of oppression to give … read more.

Healing Traumas

We close our month on non-violence and begin our month on healing by learning how to heal trauma.  The amazing news is that new insights into the body/mind/spirit connection show us concrete ways we can actually heal, individually and together.  I’ll share this good news with … read more.

What is Public Safety?

In our month on non-violence, we turn to the question of what makes us safe from violence?  Is violence necessary to hold other violence at bay?  What actually reduces crime?  (and what is crime, anyway?).  A little Michele Foucault, a little Angela Davis, and some … read more.


Ahimsa, a Sanskrit word meaning “non-injury”, is a central tenant in Jainism, Buddhism, and many strands of Hinduism.  Often reduced to vegetarianism or pacifism, or both, the doctrine of Ahimsa is wider and deeper than these most obvious examples.  It is a way of living … read more.

Reverence for the Dead

The ancient Celts held that on the night halfway between the Fall Equinox and the Winter Solstice, the veil between the world of the living and the world of the dead would grow thin, and the dead would come to visit. This holy night marked the … read more.

Reverence: People and Practice

What are the practices which cultivate the quality of reverence in our lives?  How might we learn to grow in depth and understanding?  Rev. Matthew will share some spiritual practices that promote reverence in our lives and the world, so you can see what might … read more.

Reverence: Language and Silence

When we have experiences of reverence, we might respond with words – to try to describe and share that experience.  But words never quite capture it, do they?  On the other hand, some words have a dose of spiritual power.  And there are other times … read more.