Speaker: Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson

The Arians

We begin a series on the theological roots of Unitarianism (and Universalism).  The Arians had radically different ideas about Jesus, power, the state, and God than what became orthodox Christianity.  We’ll explore their thoughts and what they mean for our lives today.  Caution: this may … read more.

Yin & Yang

Our final service on Taoism.  Yin and Yang are about balance, and about how we need both sides of a thing to have fullness.  How do we live with balance? What happens when we get unbalanced and how do we get back?  Also, thoughts about … read more.


We continue our series on Taoism.  Wu-Wei, roughly translated to “non-action” is not a passive stance.  Instead, it is about being very intentional with our energy.  Instead of rushing in, what does it mean to wait for things to be ripe? How do we cultivate … read more.

The Tao

We begin a three sermon series on key concepts in Taoism.  I believe that philosophical Taoism offers a way to think about life, community, the holy, and the universe that opens up possibilities of joy, peace, and presence.  We’ll begin with the idea of the … read more.

The Power of Two

A close friendship or romantic relationship can be a balm in times of trouble, a source of wisdom when are full of doubt, and give us the power to become our best selves.  How might we nurture “the power of two” in our lives?

Shine Your Light

I love that question, “if you were a superhero, what would be your power?”  Yet, we do have power — we are just often afraid of it.  What does it mean to claim your power? To shine your light into the world?  To live fully?  … read more.

Can People Change?


Sometimes, we see people seem to make major changes in their life. They get out of toxic relationships, get sober, get healthy, or do something else new and different.  But often we see people get stuck – and feel like nothing can change. What makes change … read more.

The Third Reconstruction

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The civil rights leader Rev. William Barber, in his book The Third Reconstruction, argues that we are in the midst of a new effort to deal with the economic and racial systems of oppression that still limit opportunity for too many.  On this … read more.

Heart Goes “Boom Boom Boom”

The spirit of renewal is fed by hope, adventure, and cutting loose from the expectations that we have set for ourselves, or allowed others to set for us. How can play and courage help you renew what is stale for you?