Kairos January 2, 2024


Kairos                                                     01/02/2024

Love is in Need of Love Today
January 7, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. Online and in-person
Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson
The Unitarian Universalist Association has named Liberating Love as the heart of our faith in its new proposed statement of values.  What does it mean to make love the heart of our faith, and how might we nurture liberating love in our lives and in the world?

We will Share the Plate with Inscape Collective
Inscape Collective is a collective in Midtown Rockford at 201 7th Street, the former home of the Just Goods Fair Trade Store. We are excited to carry on the legacy of community-oriented activities in this beautiful space. Inscape is a unique social enterprise. Our retail shop sells products from diverse female artists, artisans and entrepreneurs. Proceeds from our sales go towards subsidizing a wide-array of life-enhancing programming to ensure that it is accessible to women of all socio-economic backgrounds. We will offer programs in areas ranging from the creative arts, holistic health, exercise and entrepreneurial skills, to meditation and mindfulness. The ultimate aim of these programs is to help women make meaningful friendships while engaging in activities that promote self-development and creativity.

Click Here to Donate

Volunteers for Sunday, January 7

Thank you to our Board for volunteering for hospitality this Sunday!
Sign Up Here

Happy Birthday to: Martha Pippitt (01/02), Jami Edmonds (01/02), Miranda Best (01/03), Tiana McCall (01/04), Amanda Tapfield (01/04), Shane Baker (01/05), Claire Rotolo (01/07), Autumn Schaal (01/07), Chandra Pellman (01/07), Carson Warren (01/07), Carson Warren (01/07), Augustus Koch (01/07) Caralou Erickson (01/08), Barbara Wilson (01/08), Rebecca Quirk (01/08), Henry Nelson (01/08), Annabelle Collins (01/09), Ronda White (01/09), Robin Enders (01/09), & Christina Geiselhart (01/09)!

Sometimes, it feeds our soul to be with folks who share one of our identities.  Especially but not only if we are not in the majority in a group it can be really wonderful to be with people who get something of where we are coming from.
At the UU Church, Rockford, we try to offer caucus and social group space, but we have limited capacity and don’t always have critical mass. But thankfully, we are part of wider networks of Unitarian Universalists, and online groups allow us to connect with others.  Here is a list of key opportunities to connect across the nation (or the world!) with UUs who might share one or more of your identities.
UPLIFT – For Trans/Nonbinary+ folks. 
They have a gathering on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7pm central time.  See
https://www.uua.org/lgbtq/transnb for more information, including how to register for these gatherings. 

BLUU – Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism
For Black UUs.  They hold a monthly online worship on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 3pm central time.  (There are also in-person gatherings in Milwaukee and Chicago for Black UUs.)  You can find the link by clicking on the event here https://blacklivesuu.org/events/

DRUUMM – Diverse and Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries.
They have a variety of gatherings, including a Coffee Hour for Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander UUs on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7pm central time.  You can find all their events here: https://druumm.wildapricot.org/Upcoming-Events
EqUUal Access – Focused on disability justice and inclusion.  
They have a chat time, a “craft and chat” time, and a monthly worship by and for disabled UUs.  Their events are listed here:
https://www.equualaccess.org/connect-online/, with the times and links. 
YARN – Young Adult Revival Network.
This group hosts a monthly worship for UU Young Adults (age 18-39).  See
https://www.uuyarn.org/events for the link and times (usually on the 3rd Wednesday at 7pm).
UU Ministry for the Earth
This is not a caucus group like the others, but for folks who feel (or want to feel) that deep connection with the earth, they host a weekly meditation gathering, a monthly Full Moon Spiritual gathering, and seasonal celebrations.  You can find the times and links here:


“Fascism and My Little Pony”

Watch or read the 2023 Berry Street Essay by Rev. Cecilia Kingman. We will discuss the essay and watch a TED Talk by Jason Stanley on the 10 tactics of fascism.

Link to the essay https://uuma.org/berry-street-essay/2023-berry-street-essay-the-reverend-cecilia-kingman/

Getting to Know UU Sessions

We have revised our newcomer and welcome program to provide newcomers with the opportunity to learn about the congregation and how to get connected. We hope you will find this community to be a religious home.

There are 4 sessions, the first is a series of videos and the other three are in person on Sundays in the Sanctuary from 11:15 – 11:45. You can complete the sessions at anytime. Sessions will repeat monthly.

January 14 Our Story: UU History and Theology with Rev. Matthew. Hear the story of our congregation and tour the building.

January 21 Living Our Faith with Lindsay Trank, Director of Religious Education and Social Justice Team representative. We share our religious education program and ways we engage with our community.

January 28 Getting Connected with Rev. Joyce Palmer. Creating community is an important part of our being together. 
The link for the videos and January’s session dates and topics are below. 

Video session takes about 30 minutes to complete
1. A History of Unitarianism: BaseCamp: 5 Minute History of Unitarianism


BaseCamp: 5 Minute History of Unitarianism

2. A History of Universalism: BaseCamp: A History of Universalism in 5 Minutes


BaseCamp: A History of Universalism in …

3.   UU theology video by Rev. Matthew Johnson: (12 minutes): UU theology by Matthew Johnson


UU theology by Matthew Johnson

4. After you’ve watched Matthew’s Theology video, watch this video of “Holy Now” by Peter Mayer: Peter Mayer “Holy Now” (with lyrics in captions)


Peter Mayer “Holy Now” (with lyrics in…

Questions, email Rev Joyce at revjoycepalmer@yahoo.com

for  Adults

Do you people do anything but talk about sex? No. Not really. The Unitarian Universalist Association has developed a stellar comprehensive sex education curriculum known as Our Whole Lives. As the title suggests, it is not a one and done, but rather a topic to be revisited as we grow and mature. Join us as Wendy Bennett and Leah Krippner facilitate an adult exploration of sexuality in the 21st century. Anyone 18 and up is welcome to join. 

This month we will discuss Sexuality and Aging, focusing on the stages of sexual life, abilities and the aging body including the effects of medication, as well as ageism. Folks are welcome to join for a single session or sign up for all six. 



Click Link to sign up

Wednesday Jan 17 6:30pm

Sexuality & Aging

Sign up!

Wednesday Feb 21 6:30pm

Experiencing the Sexual Other

Sign up!

Wednesday March 20 6:30pm

Sexuality & Relationships

Sign up!

Wednesday April 17 6:30pm

Sexuality & Spirituality

Sign up!

Wednesday May 15 6:30pm

Sexual Pleasure

Sign up!

The Zanzen Meditation group is meeting in the church library every Saturday from 8:00 am to about 10:00 am for silent meditation and friendly discussion. We would like to invite all who are interested to check us out. There is no need to sign up or commit to anything. If you show up and behave we will probably be delighted to have you join us.

Rare Earth Food Collective
is an online farmers’ market featuring local food and products. We help producers work together to meet the growing demand for local, sustainable food in Winnebago, Boone, and McHenry Counties. Instead of you driving all over the countryside to buy from different farms, we collaborate to bring the food to you. You can choose home delivery or a nearby pickup location. We deliver orders every Tuesday, year-round. There is no minimum order, and no requirement to order every week. Ordering from REFC helps to build and support our local food community, preserve our agricultural land for future use, and reduce our carbon footprint. It also provides you with fresh food that tastes delicious and is good for you. 

For members who already attend UU regularly, we will be there on Tuesdays in Deale Hall to pack our orders for distribution – meaning you could place an order for Tuesday pick up right at the Church! 

To register as a customer visit: https://refc.localfoodmarketplace.com/

The next pick-up will be on January 9, 2:30 – 3:00. This time period may be adjusted.

The buying window on the website will go live with products (for shopping) from Saturday at Noon, until Monday at Noon, but you can sign up as a customer at any time!

We look forward to serving you!

Click here to view the new library catalogue


List of resources that may be helpful to you or someone you know.

Family Peace Center – 1-779-348-7600 
Remedies Renewing Lives – 24-hour Domestic Violence Hotline – 1-815-962-6102

Catholic Charities Long Term Care Ombudsman Program – 1-815-316-0040 or 1-800-369-0895
Mercyhealth at Home/Older Adult Services – 1-815-971-3502
Lifescape Community Services – 1-815-963-1609 or 1-800-779-1189 

Center for Sight and Hearing – 1-815-332-6800 P
RAMP – 1-815-968-7467 
The ARC – 1-815-965-3455 

Click Here for More Resources

Click Here for Teresa’s Tablet “Differ We Must”
Literature Link in Memory of Dale Dunnigan 11/26/2023
Click Here to view Ministers and Staff: Duties, Hours, Contact

Click Here to View UUA GA 2024

Community Events

Eliminate Racism 815

Film Discussion
Friday January 12, 2024 

6:00-9:00 p.m.
We will watch Healing from Hate: Battle for the Soul of a Nation: A stunning documentary of racism and white male grievance in America, and a powerful portrait of a group of people working together to de-radicalize hate groups and heal communities torn apart by white male insecurity, resentment, and rage. 
Join us at the Baha’i Center 1650 N Alpine: Lower level in Highcrest Shopping Center. 

We will show the film at The Baha’i Center in person with a facilitated discussion after the showing of the film.

The film discussions are presented in partnership with The Baha’i Community of the Rockford Area and Rockford Public Library.

Click here to order free COVID tests

Our Vision: A loving congregation that connects with ourselves, one another, and the larger community.  

Our Mission: We care for ourselves, each other, and our neighbors while taking risks acting for justice. We are continuously building an inclusive, empowered, anti-oppressive, anti-racist, multicultural congregation. Our connections foster radical love for ourselves and others.

The Board of Trustees: 
President: Spitty Tata
Clerk: Kim Lowman Vollmer
Vice-President: Matt Menze
Treasurer: Steve Blomgren
Trustees: Clark Logemann, Sarah Greer, & Rebecca Beneditz

The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL  |   4848 Turner St., Rockford, IL 61107   |   815-398-6322    |   uurockford.org  |





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