Rehnberg Window

The Rehnberg Memorial Window was created by Rockford, Illinois artist, Frank Houtkamp in 1974 for the Unitarian Universalist Church in Rockford, on commission from the family of Axel F. Rehnberg (1883-1966), an inventor and co-founder of the Rehnberg-Jacobsen Manufacturing Co.
The window includes six, interlocking circular representations of the six major religions of the world and it’s meant to indicate that they all share in the same quest for meaning.

The central symbol of the Flaming Chalice represents Unitarian Universalism’s willingness to accept whatever insight each of the major traditions may offer – as well as a determination to explore all new claims to truth and understanding.
Commenting on his design, Frank Houtkamp wrote, “One of the less talked about advantages to living in this universe is that if you draw a circle and six other circles identical to it on each of its 60° radii that same distance from its center, the six will all invariably lie the same distance from each other. Simple mathematics offers various reasons and even “proof” of this fact based on equiiateral triangles, parallel lines, etc., but these reasons are only tools to understanding—related phenomena– but equally mysterious and unprovable. Still, there is an underlying truth within them without which they could not exist. Symbolically depicted in the six circles are six traditional paths humans have taken to experience and recall the truth. Despite their differences, they are all bound by the laws of the universe. Like the interlocking circles, these laws are overlapping, infinite, and elusive. Each is a mirror image of the center, but each encompasses infinite variety.”
This image is copyrighted and cannot be used without the church’s permission. Write to for permission. It is quickly given for one-time use for interfaith and UU events. No commercial use is allowed by other parties.
Rehnberg Window Merchandise
You can purchase great products featuring an image of the Rehnberg Window on ZAZZLE. Proceeds go to the church.