We gather in worship to find meaning and live more deeply. Worship creates connections within, among, and beyond us, calling us to our better selves, calling us to live with wisdom and compassion.

If you want to know more about our faith, the best place to start is to visit us on Sunday morning for worship. Everyone is welcome. When you come, sign up at the guest table, and you’ll get the newsletter and can see all the activities and events of the church.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I wear to worship?
Come as you are. People come, and are comfortable, in everything from business casual to informal attire.

What do I do with my children when I visit?
Children are welcome to remain with their parents for worship, but we also have a robust and fun Children’s Religious Education program. Children in Kindegarten and under usually begin in that room – arrive a little early to check them in. Children 1st grade and up begin in worship, and head to their programs after the story for all ages. Contact Director of Religious Education Lindsay Trank with questions.

What do you mean when you say, “Everyone is Welcome”?
All people who seek wholeness are welcome. We welcome people regardless of class, income, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, the presence of a disability, or any other status or identity. Our building is fully accessible. We are, in particular, a Welcoming Congregation, which means we are an inclusive and supportive religious home for gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, and queer people.

I want to know more! Who do I ask?
We’d love to talk to you! Call us at 815-398-6322 or email us at uurockford@gmail.com. Matthew, Autumn, or Joyce will happily answer your questions.