Sunday Order of Service
Singing #30 “Over My Head” African American spiritual
Covenant Love is the spirit of this church,
and reason is its guide.
To dwell together in peace,
to seek truth in freedom,
and to serve human need:
this is our covenant.
Sung Response May love shine forth through us today
May light of reason guide our way
May beauty, truth, and joy become
A flame that burns in everyone.
Musical Response “Immortal Love” Whittier/Irish melody
Story for All Ages “Maybe” by Kobi Yamada
Family Recessional “This Little Light of Mine” (#118)
African American spiritual
We will exit through the back doors of the sanctuary to go downstairs. Parents are welcome to escort their children downstairs and attend Religious Education with them, as they wish. Children of all ages are welcome to stay in the service.
Offering “Be Thou My Vision” arr. Leavitt
Testimony Andy Larson
Singing #108 “My Life Flows On in Endless Song” Early Quaker Song
Reading Trust By Thomas R. Smith
Anthem “I Believe” Anon. Jewish poem/Miller
Message Trust the Process Rev. Allison Farnum
Singing #1020 “Woyaya” arr. Jeannie Gagne
*Benediction and Closing Blessing Scott
“Go your way in peace,
Wander as you may;
Blessed is the path you take;
May love guide you on your way.”