Every Sunday, we livestream our service at facebook.com/uurockford and YouTube. Those who are not Facebook users can watch via the Facebook plugin below- simply refresh the page shortly after 10AM on Sunday!

Previous sermons are also available in a podcast format on iTunes and Podbean.

Cover for The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL
The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL

The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL

The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL is a liberal spiritual community in Northern Illinois. Check us out at www.uurockford.org.

July 14, 2024: Wherein Lies the Heart of the Matter?Wherein Lies the Heart of the Matter?July 14, 2024 at 10:00 am Rev. Linda Slabon & Dr. Toni TollerudCovid-19 presented us with challenges that we did not anticipate. These include isolation, social awkwardness, depression, apathetic inertia, and multiple losses without the presence of a community to hold us. The impact of Covid lingers. As we reorient ourselves in this time, wherein lies the heart of the matter for our identities?; wherein lies the heart of the matter as we seek healing from the traumas that have left their mark on us?; wherein lies the heart of the matter as we consider our UU church home and communities of faith?Rev. Linda Slabon,M.Div., MSW, M.A., LCSW, is the Minister Emerita of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of DeKalb and is an Affiliated Community Minister with the UU Church in Rockford. Linda serves as a Board Member on the UU Advocacy Network of Illinois and she maintains a small private practice as a Clinical Social Worker.Dr. Toni Tollerud is a Distinguished Teaching Professor Emerita of the College of Education at NIU. She serves as president of the Northern IL University Annuitants Board, and she leads state-wide seminars on supervision and trauma. For 26 years Toni served as music and choir director at the UU Congregation of DeKalb, IL.In addition, Bionic Nana Linda with her titanium hips, and Grandma Toni are spouses of 34 years who enjoy travel, a passion for gardening, and time spent with their 8-year-old granddaughter Amelia. ... See MoreSee Less
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Unitarian Universalism believes in the right of free speech and the democratic process. Attacks like those at Saturday’s political rally weaken democracy, and the Unitarian Universalist Association condemns this attack. At a time when democracy is already at risk, these events will only make our political environment more precarious. As we prepare to meet this moment, we must return to our spiritual grounding and faithful practice. Take a breath, reflect together, wait for emerging truth over quick speculation. Anchor yourself in communities and relationships that foster resilience, liberation, and strategy. Cultivate nuance and seek out deep wisdom, political analysis, and spiritual grounding, as misinformation will be rampant. Our Unitarian Universalist tradition is rooted in the values of human dignity, justice, compassion and democratic principles. We will remain vigilant in our commitment to protecting our democracy and the integrity of its principles and the rights of all its people. Let us keep love at the center. We are in this together. ... See MoreSee Less
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