“Seeds Are Stirring – Imbolc in the Style of Taizé”

By the time January turns to February, many of us are tired of winter’s dark and cold. The ancient Celtic celebration of Imbolc marks the “first stirring of seeds” in the cold, dark earth – a harbinger of hope for Spring! Today we honor this earth-centered holiday with reflective readings, songs and silence in the style of the humble, peace-loving French monastic Taizé community. Come enjoy this music-filled, earth-embracing gathering – a perfect antidote to the winter blahs.

The Rev. Suzelle Lynch (she/her) has served UU congregations in Texas, Washington, Wisconsin and California since 1994. Prior to ministry, she worked in public relations for a robot company, an artificial language laboratory, and a big insurance company. Now semi-retired, Rev. Suzelle writes songs, hikes, leads labyrinth workshops and does upcycle sewing. She lives in Janesville, WI with her husband Tom Ness.