You Are Invited!
September 8, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. Onlineand in-person Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson Our annual homecoming service celebrates community and the invitation to a deeper and more meaningful life. Students, bring a backpack for the backpack blessing. We’ll also do the water celebration; there will be water for you to use but also feel free to bring some from a special source if you wish. And there is a potluck afterwards, so bring a dish to share as well!
We will share the plate with Rockford Habitat for Humanity
Formed in 1988, Rockford Area Habitat for Humanity is the local Habitat affiliate for Winnebago County, Illinois.
Our work is not about houses, it is about homeowners. It’s about our community.
Habitat is dedicated to building homes, neighborhoods, and lives through improved housing opportunity. We build simple, decent, affordable homes to be sold to families currently living in substandard housing.
Rockford Habitat is for families who are ready to make a life-changing commitment to become homeowners. Families are selected on the basis of need for adequate housing, ability to make mortgage payments, and willingness to become partners in the program.
Volunteers for Sunday, September 8th Thank you to the Racial & Economic Justice Team for volunteering this Sunday.
Coffee Hosts: Spitty Tata & Phil Hjemboe
Contact Rev. Joyce to sign up at
Happy Birthday to: Donna Ducharme (Sep 03), Carly Vollmer (Sep 05), Don Northrop (Sep 06), Jerry Brickey (Sep 06), & Rylen Asbury (Sep 06)!
Within the last few weeks, a medium blue men’s ORVIS brand rain jacket may have decided to go home with someone other than me.
If found please return it to church and/or contact Gaen McClendon at
Matthew’s Memo September 3, 2024
In this Kairos, you will find the sabbatical plan. I depart Monday morning for the first part of my sabbatical. I’m so grateful for this much-needed time for spiritual renewal. It is also our sincere hope that the time will be productive for the congregation – a time of creativity, growing lay leadership, and openness to shifts.
Here are the essential things to know.
First, please don’t contact me during the sabbatical. Though I won’t be checking email or messenger, it will help me experience the time if there are less messages coming through. Wait until I return (for part one, that’s October 24th).
Second, please engage. We’ve planned great worship and programs. There are important workshops and activities. Dive in.
Third, please note that there’s no “one person” in charge while I’m away. This is intentional, as we’re trying to move to a more horizontal leadership. Some things will be handled by staff, some by key leaders like Matt Menze and Steve Lewis (thank them!). But mostly, it’s on all of you together. Be creative and open to possibilities. And be kind and generous with your staff.
Fourth, for the first part, I’ll be walking the Camino in Spain. I’ll be taking pictures and writing in my journal, but not sharing on Facebook or other places until I return. Your prayers and vibes for “Buen Camino!” are very welcome while I am on this spiritual journey.
Fifth, if you are anxious about the election, then go knock on doors in Wisconsin, send postcards, and make calls – don’t just be anxious, do something. You can work through UU the Vote or the political party that most aligns with your hopes.
I am working this week, and we’ll celebrate Homecoming on Sunday. And then, I’ll see you in late October.
Javier Delgado Memorial
Last year, Javier Delgado, the beloved parter of our Music Director, Tim Anderson, died suddenly and unexpectedly. Members of the congregation asked how folks might offer their support through any kind of memorial fund or project. Tim was in Costa Rica over the summer and able to supervise the completion of a memorial in Javi’s honor at the local school – a safe playground for the children. I’m pasting below some details from Tim and some pictures of this playground. We are raising funds to help with this project, and you can give by making a contribution by check to the minister’s discretionary fund, and noting “Javier memorial” in the memo line. If you give electronically, you can go to, and select “other.” After you make the donation, send an email to saying that this is the purpose of your donation.
Here is more from Tim about this memorial:
Last November, many people asked if there was some sort of memorial to which they could contribute in memory of Javier. Things in Costa Rica are different than they are here. However, I wanted to let you know that we have completed a project at the school where Javier was serving as Director, something that was part of a list of improvements he hoped to see completed during his time there. Many of Javi’s and my friends here have contributed generously to help see the project through to completion. The preschoolers now have a secure area in which to play. There was already an area enclosed by a fence in which students planted a tree in Javier’s memory. That area has been cemented and covered with artificial turf, and a playset has now been installed along with extra security. As you can see in the pictures, it looks wonderful. I think Javier would be very proud, and I am pleased that, with the help of friends both here and there, one of his dreams has been realized.
. . . . Javier’s dedication to his profession and to all the schools and students he served during his career is beyond question. This project is just one final tangible proof of that dedication, one realized by many because of their love for a wonderful human being taken from us too soon. TQM.
Invitation to the Spiritual Life
Wonderful Wednesday Sept. 4th
6 – 7pm Library
What even is “a spiritual life” and why and how might you get one? This will be an exploration of spiritual practices, approaches, and questions you can explore in your life.
Led by Rev. Matthew
Choir Start-up
The Unicantors will have their first rehearsal of the new program year at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 5. We’ll meet in the sanctuary. Newcomers are most welcome! Questions? Contact Music Director Tim Anderson ( We hope to see you there!
Please join the UU Neighborhood Free Pantry Team on Saturday, September 7 from 11 am-1 pm for a mural painting party and picnic!
Our pantry mural painting is designed and led by local artist Jenny Mathews, and all who come will be able to help paint and fill in the design on the pantry structure! There will be free boxed lunches from Jason’s Deli while supplies last (or you can bring your picnic lunch if you prefer), kid’s activities provided by Spectrum Progressive School, a visit from the RPL Mobile Library, and more. Let’s make this a party! If you are interested in helping out with setup, cleanup or volunteering during the event, please reach out to Dawn Nimmo.
WCCC Notice
Greetings all,
It appears we have a dilemma on our September 10th meeting night. It’s the same night as the Harris-Trump debate! Like most of you, I’m sure, I don’t want to miss it! We are sending out this notice to let you know that we are cancelling the September meeting so everyone has an opportunity to watch the Presidential debate!
We are looking forward to our October 8th meeting when our guest speaker will be our pro-choice Congressman, Eric Sorensen. See you then!
Barb Giolitto, WCCC President
Starting Point
Begins Wednesday, September 11th at 3:00 – 4:30 pm
UU Church Library
Starting Point is four rich sessions of connection, exploration, and learning that continues from our Getting to Know UU sessions. The sessions won’t just talk about Unitarian Universalism, we’ll experience it! And rather than simply hearing about UU, participants will have a chance to practice deep listening and sharing. We will have an opportunity to honor the important insight, experiences, and perspectives of our fellow travelers.
The Starting Point series is offered two to three time throughout the year. We invite prospective and current members to participate. If you’ve been attending services or checking us out on the website and curious to learn more, or if you are already a member and wanting to renew your sense of community, join church leaders, other new folks, and members for meaningful and fun connection as well as information.
Please join us for the 2nd Annual Free Clothing Swap! Bring clean baby, kid, and adult clothes to Deale Hall to swap on Sunday, September 15 from 2-3:30pm. All types in wearable condition (including maternity, Halloween costumes, shoes, and swim) are welcome! Volunteers will be on hand to help you put your items in the appropriate sections. You are not required to bring clothes to participate. Choose some “new to you” items to take home; all items left at the end of the afternoon will be donated. If you have any questions or would like to help out, please reach out to Alexis Simmons or Rebecca Beneditz.
R.E. Grade K-1 OWL 2024 Parents
Hello Everyone!
This is a quick note to let you know that we will be offering the Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education curriculum to children in grades K-1 at church this fall. Sessions will be led by Amy Brandon and myself. The Parent Orientation will be held after service on Sunday, September 15. OWL sessions will be held after service from 11:30 – 12:15 from Sunday, September 29 through Sunday, November 17. A hearty snack will be provided. 😉
No commitment is necessary at this time. I just wanted to be sure the dates got on everyone’s calendars before they filled up with school year commitments. Feel free to reach out with any questions before the orientation.
We hope you join us!
You’re Invited!
Faith in Practice: Mission and Vision workshop
Sunday, September 22
12:30pm – 3pm
We are an ever-evolving church in a Living Tradition! Now is the time to join again and articulate who we are and where we are going, through exploring new mission and vision statements. It’s been eight years since we last created a mission and vision for ourselves. Our congregation continues to build on its journey of strong lay leadership as we come back to life in the wake of the pandemic in new ways; this workshop is what we have been planning and working towards. Whether this is your first or the thousandth, you’re invited to join in putting our UU Faith in Practice through this generative and energizing workshop. Your input and creativity will be part of the process towards crafting our congregation’s new Mission and Vision!
Our congregation is joining UUs nationwide to revive our commitment to climate justice! We are collaborating locally with the Unitarian Universalist Church of Rock Valley to offer two days of free programming. Saturday’s event in Rockton, Climate Justice: From Conversation to Action, invites you to join the discussion about climate justice and actions we can take to make a positive change in our local communities! The weekend continues in Rockford on Sunday with 10am worship and an Organizing Hour following service in collaboration with UU the Vote.
September 28: 1-5pm at UU Congregation of Rock Valley in Rockton
September 29: 10am Worship and Organizing Hour at UU – Rockford
Register for the Saturday program HERE. Childcare is available! Additional printed information is available in the Narthex and in Deale Hall. If you have any questions, please reach out to Rebecca Beneditz.
Do you want to make a difference in the November election?
Maybe you don’t want to write postcards, phone voters or go door-to-door.
What can you do?
You can fund the UU the Vote Team. It costs $ .56 to mail one postcard and $ .73 to mail one letter. We use special postcards that we buy from a printer. Consider donating a sheet of postcard stamps or a sheet of forever stamps for handwritten letters. We can spend cash for printed postcards.
Forever stamps should not include a flag or a dog; we are targeting disadvantaged voters who may have bad vibes about those stamps.
You can donate stamps or money at the membership table on Sunday, or mail a check to the church with “UU the Vote” on the memo line.
By funding our 22 volunteers on the UU the Vote Team, you are making a difference.
Wesley Willows Group
The Wesley Willows group will meet the following days and times this coming year in the reflection room at the Town Center.
November 18th, Monday, at 3 pm
Jan. 22nd, Wednesday, at 9 am
April 24, Thursday, at 10 am
The Zanzen Meditation group is meeting in the church library every Saturday from 8:00 am to about 10:00 am for silent meditation and friendly discussion. We would like to invite all who are interested to check us out. There is no need to sign up or commit to anything. If you show up and behave we will probably be delighted to have you join us.
Our UU Library has added this book to our collection: The Earthly Frame by David Sehat
List of resources that may be helpful to you or someone you know.
Family Peace Center – 1-779-348-7600
Remedies Renewing Lives – 24-hour Domestic Violence Hotline – 1-815-962-6102
Catholic Charities Long Term Care Ombudsman Program – 1-815-316-0040 or 1-800-369-0895
Mercyhealth at Home/Older Adult Services – 1-815-971-3502
Lifescape Community Services – 1-815-963-1609 or 1-800-779-1189
Center for Sight and Hearing – 1-815-332-6800 P
RAMP – 1-815-968-7467
The ARC – 1-815-965-3455
Hope you will stop by this Midtown Strong Block Party sometime after enjoying the UU-C Free Pantry Party! – Shiraz
Our Vision: A loving congregation that connects with ourselves, one another, and the larger community.
Our Mission: We care for ourselves, each other, and our neighbors while taking risks acting for justice. We are continuously building an inclusive, empowered, anti-oppressive, anti-racist, multicultural congregation. Our connections foster radical love for ourselves and others.
The Board of Trustees:
President: Matt Menze
Clerk: Kim Lowman Vollmer
Vice-President: Wendy Bennett
Treasurer: Bob Spelman Trustees: Clark Logemann, Rebecca Beneditz, Neita Webster
The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL | 4848 Turner St., Rockford, IL 61107 | 815-398-6322 | |