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The Times We Live In June 26, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. Online and in-person Join us for our lay-led service with guest musicians Jesse Parker, Martha Dunegan and worship associates Gary Lawrence, Libby Parker, Matthew Fields, and Katy Haun.
We will Share the Plate with Living Tradition Fund The Living Tradition Fund was established by the UUA Trustees in 1990 and receives the proceeds from the offering at Service of the Living Tradition held at each UUA General Assembly.
Gifts to the fund are used for grants to reduce the burden of seminary student loans, and general aid to religious professionals and other congregational staff in need—including those impacted by COVID-19. Click Here to Donate
Happy Birthday to: Debra Johnson (06/23), Sarah Greer (06/23), Lindsay Trank (06/26), Rachel Keyes (06/26), Marilyn Paladino (06/27), & Jamie Gaffke (06/28)!
Volunteers for Sunday, June 26
Ushers: We Need 2 Volunteers
Greeters: We Need 2 Volunteers
Guest Table: We Need 2 Volunteers
Coffee Hosts: We Need 2 Volunteers
Please note that if you volunteer for coffee host you will need to clean up afterward and run the cups through the sanitizer.
Note from Rev. Matthew
I will be at General Assembly in Portland, Oregon, and then on vacation in Seattle, WA, from June 19th through June 29th. Contact Autumn or Joyce if you need anything during that time.
It’s Summer!
Most of our staff have young children or family members they take care of which means their in-office schedules change week to week over the summer time. We are still working from home and are available by phone or email. Before heading to the church please call to make sure someone is there. If you need to drop off a check or a note for any staff member please leave it in the secure mailbox outside the office doors.
Young member? Long-time member? You’re both needed at memorial services! We’re looking for two new volunteers
When a church member or friend dies and a memorial service is held at our church, a subcommittee of the caring team assists the family with a reception after the service. In addition, another person acts as family support in planning the reception and providing details on how the day will proceed, leaving our ministers to focus on the memorial service itself.
We are seeking two new volunteers to join the caring team do this important work. We are looking for someone to function as the family support person and another person to join two seasoned volunteers in providing the reception with modest food and drinks. Most memorial services occur on Saturdays or Sundays. It is rewarding to work, assisting our church friends at a very difficult time, and it also supports our ministers so they can provide the meaningful services they do so well.
Whenever the next memorial service occurs, new volunteers can begin to work with us to learn the ropes. Interested volunteers, please contact:
Sue Wilke 815-742-9709, Teresa Palmeno 815-988-1763, or Linda Spelman 815-979-877
The Justice For All team is transforming into the Racial and Economic Justice cluster of the Faith In Action model for our congregation’s social justice work. We welcome all the members of the Justice For All team as well as those who would like to live our Unitarian Universalist values by focusing on economic and racial justice activities. We will be meeting on July 10th after service in the library. Come join us!
Eliminate Racism Book Discussion
Thursday June 30, 2022 6:00 p.m.
Join us by zoom for a discussion of The Undocumented American. Karla Cornejo Villavicencio was on DACA when she decided to write about being undocumented using her own name. She embarked on a trip across the country telling DACA stories.
Please read the book on your own and we will discuss it.
Join the Zoom Meeting here: Book discussions are presented in partnership with Rockford Public Library.
Film Discussion
Friday July 8 2022
6-8:30 p.m.
Black in Minneapolis: A modern-day Malcolm X story, told through the eyes of a Black man who witnesses his brother’s murder by police during a routine traffic stop by generating a movement of Black people to fight against systemic oppression through community organizing, political policy, and force.
Join Zoom Meeting here:
The film discussions are presented in partnership with The Baha’i Community of the Rockford Area and Rockford Public Library.
The Board of Trustees:
President: Amanda Tapfield
Clerk: Bob Spelman
Vice-President: Judy Gustafson
Treasurer: Teresa Wilmot
Trustees: Khanh Oehlke, Sarah Greer, Jami Edmonds
The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL | 4848 Turner St., Rockford, IL 61107 | 815-398-6322 | |