Kairos January 31, 2023


Kairos                                                       01/31/2023

Love Languages
February 5, 2023, at 10:00 a.m.
 Online and in-person 

Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson
We will begin our month on the theme of “love” with another service focused on 10 big ideas I’ve learned in the last 15 years.  I have found the pop-theory of “love languages” to be a gift in understanding myself and others.  We don’t all give or receive love – from partners, family, friends and ourself – in the same way.  Understanding the diversity of love can make us better lovers of life and one another. 

We will Share the Plate with Children’s Home and Aid
Children’s Home & Aid is a leading child and family service agency in Illinois. We help children recover their health, their hope, and their faith in the people around them. 

For 138 years, we have shown up for Illinois families. We are in the places where it’s proven to be the most effective: at home, in the classroom, and in the community. We are an agency that puts families at the center of every decision and believe that communities where we all work, play and live together can be strengthened through data-informed, collaborative and preventative solutions. Our offices are located across Illinois and serve nearly 30,000 children and families each year in over 65 counties, linking them to a network of resources.
Click Here to Donate

Happy Birthday to: Martha Zinn (02/02), Andrew Larson (02/03), Ruth Little (02/04), Robert Francis (02/05), Susan Barnes (02/06), & Autumn Powell (02/06)!

Please hold in your hearts members Sue Wilke and Tim Rowley, whose mother, Gloria Rowley Cederstrom, died on Monday, January 23.

Volunteers for Sunday, February 5
Ushers: We Need 2 Volunteers
Greeters: We Need 2 Volunteers
Guest Table: Rev. Joyce Palmer & Ann Caskey
Coffee Hosts: We Need 2 More Volunteers
Please note that if you volunteer for coffee host you will need to clean up afterward and run the cups through the sanitizer. 
Reminder to coffee hour hosts: please make sure the heater is off and the machine master switch is off when you leave. Thank you!

Sign Up Here

Matthew’s Memo
Jan 31, 2023
Tyre Nichols, a 29-year-old father, and son, worked at FedEx in Memphis.  He was a talented photographer and loved skateboarding.
I have seen some of his photographs and a few videos of him skateboarding, with a big smile on his face.  What I have not watched, and will not, is the footage of his murder by the Memphis Police Department after a traffic stop on January 7th. This footage was released Friday. And you knew it was bad because the five officers involved were all fired and charged with murder before it came out.
But since, more officers have been “relieved of duty.”  This includes two sheriff’s deputies who observed but did not stop what was happening and two firefighters who, apparently, did not render sufficient aid.  Others have asked – what kind of training was given to these officers? Shouldn’t the chief resign – isn’t that where the buck stops? 
This case clearly illustrates the central point many of us have been making for years.  Police violence against black and brown bodies in particular, and all bodies in general, isn’t about “bad apples” or “individual racist cops.”  Blaming individuals is a distraction from understanding that the very system of policing in the United States is designed to control, through the threat of extraordinary violence, black bodies. It is the system as a whole. 
We have tried to reform this system and have been blocked by politicians (of both parties), police unions, the media, and inertia.  Thus, many have given up on reform and moved toward abolition. We must, they say, dismantle it and build something very different.  I have a great deal of sympathy for this argument, and after the murder of Tyre, I find it hard to argue otherwise.
He should be alive. His son should have his father in his life.  His mother should not grieve his death.  I offer my blessings on their grief, my affirmation of the rage of those who have tried to fix this, and my prayers that we might have the courage to imagine a better way. 
In faith

Board Update
The Board had a full meeting.  We discussed the renewal of the Spectrum rental agreement, our covid policies, the senior minister letter of agreement, and our child/youth protection policy.  We talked about non-member rentals and how we would change this procedure. We approved another year of contract with Rev. Joyce Palmer. We approved a revised Harassment, Abuse and Destructive Behavior Policy. 

We Need YOU!
We are updating our Church Directory.
Stop by the Guest Table or log onto Breeze
to update your contact information.
Upload a photo or ask a staff member to
take your picture and we will upload it for you.

Inline image
Wonderful Wednesday
February 1, 6pm 
In person and Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting

Come learn how to ensure that the voice of every child involved
in the abuse and neglect court system is represented.

CUUPs Imbolc February 5th at 12:30 in Deale Hall

We’ll celebrate the coming spring, make Brigid’s Crosses, and talk about Imbolc traditions.
It is believed that Imbolc was originally a pagan festival associated with the goddess Brigid.



List of resources that may be helpful to you or someone you know.

Family Peace Center – 1-779-348-7600 
Remedies Renewing Lives – 24-hour Domestic Violence Hotline – 1-815-962-6102

Catholic Charities Long Term Care Ombudsman Program – 1-815-316-0040 or 1-800-369-0895
Mercyhealth at Home/Older Adult Services – 1-815-971-3502
Lifescape Community Services – 1-815-963-1609 or 1-800-779-1189 

Center for Sight and Hearing – 1-815-332-6800 P
RAMP – 1-815-968-7467 
The ARC – 1-815-965-3455 

Click Here for More Resources

Social Justice

Reproductive Justice Organizing Training Series for Congregation 

The Role of Faith Communities in a Post-Roe World : With SCOTUS overturning Roe, what are faith communities that support Reproductive Justice called to do? We will explore the range of possible responses, and help you make a plan to begin organizing your team, your congregation, and your community.

Please make sure to sign up for Session 2 on Sunday, February 12 and Session 3 on Sunday, February 26 as well.

Click Here for More Information

Eliminate Racism 815
Film Discussion
Friday February 10, 2023 

6:00 p.m.
We will show the film My Brooklyn: De-mystifying Gentrification: A gentrifier uncovers web of corporations, politicians & public-private partnerships. Film’s ultimate question is increasingly relevant on a global scale: Who has a right to live in cities & determine their future?
Join us at the Baha’i Center 1650 N Alpine: Lower level in Highcrest Shopping Center. 

We will show the film at The Baha’i Center in person with a facilitated discussion after the showing of the film.

The film discussions are presented in partnership with The Baha’i Community of the Rockford Area and Rockford Public Library.

Click Here for Teresa’s Tablet “Starts with Us: Overcoming extreme divisions in the US”
Literature Link in Memory of Dale Dunnigan
Click Here to view Ministers and Staff: Duties, Hours, Contact

The Board of Trustees: 
President: Judy Gustafson   
Clerk: Bob Spelman
Vice-President: Spitty Tata
Treasurer: Steve Blomgren
Trustees: Sarah Greer, Jami Edmonds, & Rebecca Beneditz

The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL  |   4848 Turner St., Rockford, IL 61107   |   815-398-6322    |   uurockford.org  |





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