Kairos February 7, 2023


Kairos                                                       02/07/2023

Love Yourself
February 12, 2023, at 10:00 a.m.
 Online and in-person 

Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson
Self-love often is a cliché or an excuse for stuck-ness. But it doesn’t have to be, and indeed, it needs to be powerful and strong. How do we learn to love ourselves in a way that is deep, real, honest, and sacred? 

We will play the Sam Smith video, “Love Me More,” which celebrates queer embodied joy, as part of worship in the anthem slot.  We will not be able to have the sound on when we stream this video on Facebook and YouTube, because the algorithm doesn’t care that we have copyright permission.  So, if you will be watching online, I suggest you watch the video on Vimeo in advance of the service.  It’s a wonderful song and video and I don’t want you to miss out.

We will Share the Plate with Remedies

Remedies provides critical and often times lifesaving services to adults struggling with substance abuse and to victims of domestic violence and their children or vulnerable family members.  Remedies works to end the cycle of abuse and addiction through education, support, and community involvement.

We provide the only domestic violence shelter in Winnebago and Boone counties. Each year Remedies provides a variety of domestic violence program services to approximately 2,000 adult and child survivors of domestic violence, approximately 25% of which are children. Remedies substance abuse programs serve an additional 2,000 adults each year. We provide a safe, supportive environment and critical, client-centered services designed to promote the healing of individuals and families.
Click Here to Donate

Happy Birthday to: Peter Giolitto (02/09), Colleen McDonald (02/09), Winnifred Chin (02/09), Todd Elliott (02/09), David Schubert (02/10), Tracey Koppen (02/10), James Dehler (02/11), & Jesse Hodierne (02/14)!

Volunteers for Sunday, February 12
Ushers: Barb Wilson & Pam Wilson
Greeters: We Need 2 Volunteers
Guest Table: We Need 2 Volunteers
Coffee Hosts: Phil Hjemboe & We Need 1 More Volunteer
Please note that if you volunteer for coffee host you will need to clean up afterward and run the cups through the sanitizer. 
Reminder to coffee hour hosts: please make sure the heater is off and the machine master switch is off when you leave. Thank you!

Sign Up Here

Matthew’s Memo
February 7th, 2023
This coming Sunday is a bring-a-friend Sunday.  Of course, any Sunday is a good day to bring someone with you, but Rev. Joyce and I like to highlight particular days as good days to bring someone with you.  First-time visitors often feel more comfortable knowing there will be other first-time visitors that day, and they won’t be alone.  So bring someone with you!
Who might that be? 
Well, perhaps it is a friend you spend time with socially – a co-worker, neighbor, etc.  You’ve spoken about religious questions before, and values, and you know they would appreciate who we are and what we’re about.  You know they are not part of another community that serves them.  Perhaps they’ve even said something to you like “I should try that out sometime.”  Invite them to try it out!  Pick them up, or meet them here, and plan to go to lunch afterward, if you like. 
Maybe it is a relative. Perhaps you have grown children who live in town, and perhaps grew up in the church but haven’t been back recently.  Ask them to come with you.  Or maybe your parents, sibling, or some other member of your family would enjoy being here.  Invite them to come along. 
You could also make a public invitation to your social network or others – let folks know that if they don’t have a religious home and are looking for one, that you’d love to have them as a guest at yours. 
This “if you don’t have a religious home and are looking for one” is important to us.  Unitarian Universalists don’t try to recruit people for the sake of increasing our numbers, nor do we think that someone must be one of us or they are doomed.  We believe that the quest for meaning and community is universal, and there are many ways to answer this longing. For folks who are searching for something like what we do and who we are, we hope they will know we are an option for them, that they will try it out, and we hope they love it.  It is about sharing our faith – not because others are bad, but because ours is good too, and what some folks are seeking.
So, don’t put your joy under a bushel. Let the people know and bring someone alone this week.
See you then!
In faith,

Bring a Friend to Church
Sunday, February 12
Sermon Topic: Love Yourself
We are sharing our church with friends and family on Sunday. Take a moment to talk about what you have found here with someone in your life and invite them to church.

Racial and Economic Justice Team Meeting
Sunday, February 12
Church Library

Wonderful Wednesday
February 15, 6pm
Church Library
Join author Sharon Nesbit-Davis for a discussion of her memoir Intended: A Marriage in Black and White.

Chili Cook-Off
Saturday, February 25 4 – 7
Deale Hall
ENTER contest: bring a crockpot of chili and any toppings or fixings.
BRING place setting and games for playing inside or outside
PROVIDED power strips, cords, coffee and water
AWARDS Best Display & Best Chili (latter wins a parking space)

We Need YOU

We are updating and adding photos to the Church Directory. You can upload your own photo onto Breeze, send a photo to 
revjoycepalmer@yahoo.com or have Gaen or Jon take your picture in Deale Hall on Sunday.

The directory is a great tool for helping us get to know one another, connecting names and faces is an important part church life. Please upload your picture or use one of the other methods provided.

We will publish a hard copy of the Directory soon. We would like to have you in it!

Thank you,
Rev Joyce


List of resources that may be helpful to you or someone you know.

Family Peace Center – 1-779-348-7600 
Remedies Renewing Lives – 24-hour Domestic Violence Hotline – 1-815-962-6102

Catholic Charities Long Term Care Ombudsman Program – 1-815-316-0040 or 1-800-369-0895
Mercyhealth at Home/Older Adult Services – 1-815-971-3502
Lifescape Community Services – 1-815-963-1609 or 1-800-779-1189 

Center for Sight and Hearing – 1-815-332-6800 P
RAMP – 1-815-968-7467 
The ARC – 1-815-965-3455 

Click Here for More Resources

Social Justice

Reproductive Justice Organizing Training Series for Congregation 

The Role of Faith Communities in a Post-Roe World : With SCOTUS overturning Roe, what are faith communities that support Reproductive Justice called to do? We will explore the range of possible responses, and help you make a plan to begin organizing your team, your congregation, and your community.

Please make sure to sign up for Session 2 on Sunday, February 12 and Session 3 on Sunday, February 26 as well.

Click Here for More Information

Eliminate Racism 815
Film Discussion
Friday February 10, 2023 

6:00 p.m.
We will show the film My Brooklyn: De-mystifying Gentrification: A gentrifier uncovers web of corporations, politicians & public-private partnerships. Film’s ultimate question is increasingly relevant on a global scale: Who has a right to live in cities & determine their future?
Join us at the Baha’i Center 1650 N Alpine: Lower level in Highcrest Shopping Center. 

We will show the film at The Baha’i Center in person with a facilitated discussion after the showing of the film.

The film discussions are presented in partnership with The Baha’i Community of the Rockford Area and Rockford Public Library.

Click Here for Teresa’s Tablet “Booker Washington Center”
Literature Link in Memory of Dale Dunnigan
Click Here to view Ministers and Staff: Duties, Hours, Contact

The Board of Trustees: 
President: Judy Gustafson   
Clerk: Bob Spelman
Vice-President: Spitty Tata
Treasurer: Steve Blomgren
Trustees: Sarah Greer, Jami Edmonds, & Rebecca Beneditz

The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL  |   4848 Turner St., Rockford, IL 61107   |   815-398-6322    |   uurockford.org  |





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