Kairos February 4, 2025

Kairos February 4, 2025

Kairos                                                       02/04/2025

The Welcome Table: You’re Invited
February 9, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. 
Online and in-person
Rev. Allison Farnum

A gentle reminder that we get to all sit at a table that we did not set. You are invited! Come, sit, and rejoice in the joy of inclusion. Leave a chair (or space) open for who and what may be coming next. 

Northern Illinois Justice for Our Neighbors
We will share the plate with Northern Illinois Justice for Our Neighbors
Northern Illinois Justice For Our Neighbors (NIJFON) provides free high-quality legal services to low-income immigrants, engages in education and advocacy efforts and builds cross-cultural relationships.

In addition to legal services provided by skilled attorneys at clinics across Northern Illinois, staff and volunteers provide hospitality and needed childcare, assist with requisite paperwork and offer a free legal consultation for every immigrant who comes to the clinic.

Rooted in the United Methodist Church and moved by our faith to welcome immigrants, we are a non-profit organization that welcomes people of all background and faiths.
Click Here to Donate

Volunteers for Sunday, February 9
Thank you to the Racial and Economic Justice Team for volunteering this Sunday!

Happy Birthday to: Ruth Little (Feb 04), Robert Francis (Feb 05), Audrey Beneditz (Feb 06), Autumn Powell (Feb 06), Kathryn Dunn (Feb 07), Alexis Simmons (Feb 08), Colleen McDonald (Feb 09), Everett Oczus (Feb 09), Pete Giolitto (Feb 09), Phil Hjemboe (Feb 09), Todd Elliott (Feb 09), Winniy Chin (Feb 09), Ben Gifford (Feb 10), Dave Schubert (Feb 10), Tracey Koppen (Feb 10), & Jim Dehler (Feb 11)!

Scam Emails
It has come to our attention that people are pretending to be Rev. Matthew and Rev. Joyce. These are attempts to get your information. Please do not respond. No staff member would ask for your assistance, ask you to purchase gift cards for them, or ask you for the church directory. Please report these as phishing and block the email.

UU 2030 Young Adult Group
February 6th
 5:45 – 6:45 pm
Theme: Family, Friends, and Loves

UU2030 is a small group for adults in their 20s and 30s who are looking for a spiritual and religious community, without the dogma and baggage that can come with traditional religion. We can provide that home here!

We are looking to build a faith community and possibly other social events like potlucks, holiday celebrations, boardgame nights. 
We hope to see you!

If you need childcare, please email Rev Joyce at revjoycpalmer@yahoo.com.

Co-leaders Sarah Greer and Hailey Powell


Feb. 9th, 12:30-2:30, Deale Hall.  What are our Goals?
After a brief review of the draft mission and vision, we’ll start working on goals.  What should we accomplish in our lives, in the church, and in the wider world over the next 3-5 years?  What difference will we make?  Come be part of this very important conversation as we shape our collective future. 

Mission and Vision Update
One of our main goals this year is to update our vision, mission, goals, and strategic plan.  It has been many years and the world has changed a few times since then.  We’ve changed to.  What is our work now?  What is the church for?  What difference will we make in the world and in our lives?
You kicked off this work with a mission and vision workshop, led by Rev. Allison Farnum, on Sept. 22nd.  About 20-25 people attended and shared what they valued about the church and their sense of purpose for us.  A writing team, consisting of Teresa Wilmot, Teresa Palmeno, Barb Basaj, Sue Molyneaux, and Gloria Perez, took the notes from that meeting and created a vision and a mission statement.  The Board received that draft at its Dec. 4th meeting, and made some minor changes. 
The vision is a short statement of who we seek to be.  It is almost like a motto.  The mission is a statement of our purpose – why we exist. 
Here is the current draft:

Vision Statement
A loving, spiritual congregation that cultivates belonging.
Mission Statement
Like the nature that surrounds us, we evolve as a safe haven for spiritual development.  
Our deep roots connect us to a wealth of resources that nourish us to grow as a beacon for justice, anti-racism, and liberation. 
Our listening cultivates diverse and multicultural relationships that bridge divisions, heal hearts, and foster safety for all. 
Our canopy of loving acceptance inspires us to extend branches that lift up our communities and protect our environment. 

The next step in this process is a workshop on Feb. 9th after church.  Mark your calendars and plan to attend!  There will be a time for feedback about this vision and mission, and then a turn to begin to articulate our goals or “ends.”  Given this purpose, what will we accomplish in the next 3-5 years?  What difference will we make in the lives of those we serve and in the world?  How we will use our wealth of resources to nourish our community? You will begin to articulate 2-5 major goals.  This will incorporate the insights from the change team, which has focused on our anti-racism, anti-oppression, and multicultural goals. 
At the last workshop, on March 9th after church, you will refine these “ends” and brainstorm tactics and strategies.  Given the goals, what action steps, programs, shifts in culture and policy, and so forth should we make? 
In April and May, the staff and lay leaders will refine this plan, select tactics to achieve the goals, identify needed resources, timelines, and accountabilities, and finalize a draft.  You’ll be asked to vote on the mission and vision, and to give your general endorsement to the strategic plan, at the annual meeting on June 8th, 2025. 

We are going to start a jigsaw puzzle exchange at the church!  Puzzles around 1000 pieces seem to be the most popular.  Put your first name on the back and the date you complete the puzzle. Please bring it back when you are done and exchange it for another.  It will be fun to see all the names. Look for the puzzle table in Deale Hall.

Submitted by Kim Lowman Vollmer

Parents’ Night Out
February 13th 5:30 – 8:00

Bring your children to church for snacks, playing
and fun while you have some time to yourselves.

Sign-up using the link below:

Questions? email revjoycepalmer@yahoo.com

Getting to Know UU

Path to Membership

Sunday, February 23
12:30 – 2:30

For Newcomers interested in membership.
All 3 sessions in one day!

Childcare & refreshments provided.
Questions? email revjoycepalmer@yahoo.com

UU Who’s Who?
                    featuring Pam Wilson (Past Board Trustee)

Question 1: What did you enjoy about being a member of the Board?
Answer:  I enjoyed being on the board mostly because it was an opportunity to get to know my fellow board members.  They were a great group of dedicated church members.  I also enjoyed learning more about the issues facing the church and feeling that I could make a contribution.

Question 2: How did you get your position?
Answer: I got on the board after being contacted by a member of the nominating committee who asked if I would be willing to serve.

Question 3: What was the first position you volunteered for at the church?
Answer:  The first thing that I volunteered for was being an usher.  My sister Barb and I have ushered usually once a month for around fifteen years.  We enjoy ushering because it is nice to greet everyone coming to church.  I also was on the library committee years ago and on the communications committee, which no longer exists.

Please nominate someone to help serve the church at: nominating@uurockford.org

Sunday, Feb. 16, 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.  The film “Sordid Lives” a queer comedy will be presented in the church library, by the LIAM Foundation Elders Group.  Admission is free.

Drag Queen Story Hour

Thanks to our fabulous reader, London (Orlando), everyone who brought snacks or helped keep the protesters out of the building and off church property, and all the parents and grandparents who brought their kids! 

UU COMMON READ:  Authentic Selves: Celebrating Trans and Nonbinary People and Their Families.  Join the Sex & Gender Justice Team in reading and discussing this beautiful and positive book.  Last chance to purchase the book during coffee hour this Sunday 26th. Or you can buy it online through the UU Bookstore or Amazon. It’s also available on Kindle. We will have our book discussion on Sunday, February 23, from 1 – 3 pm

Sabbatical Part 2 guide
Here is important information about the Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson’s upcoming Sabbatical (part 2 of this year’s 4-month sabbatical – he took 6 weeks in the fall and will be taking 10 weeks from Jan 23rd to April 7th). 
Sabbatical is a time of renewal and refresh for a minister.  Matthew takes short sabbaticals – 3 or 4 months every 4 or 5 years – to refresh, grow his skills, and renew his spirit.  Sabbaticals are also a vital time for the church to grow its leadership and capacity and move toward a more shared ministry, which is a central goal of our post-covid life together.  So embrace this time of creativity and possibility!
Authority in Matthew’s absence is shared by many other staff and leaders. 
Governance – Board President, Matt Menze or Vice President, Wendy Bennett.
Finance – Finance Chair Steve Lewis
Personnel – Matt M and Steve L
Worship – Rev. Joyce and Tim Anderson, with our sabbatical preachers Rev. Allison and Rev. Bowie.
Pastoral Care and Rites of Passage – Rev. Joyce
Day-to-Day management – Office Manager Autumn Powell.  Autumn is who you go to if you don’t know where to go – she’ll direct you. 
Faith in Action – the Faith in Action Team leaders; Rev. Scott Aaseng with UUANI and Rev. Violet Johnicker with RUM, as well as Rev. Joyce and Rev. Marlene Walker with the Rockton UU congregation, can provide clergy support and connection. 
The Worship Schedule is as follows:
26: Rev. Allison — the Great Story
Feb 2: Putting the I in DEI with Keith Barns
Feb 9: Rev. Allison. – a mission/vision/goals workshop follows.
Feb 16: Rev. Bowie
Feb 23: Rev. Allison
March 2: Youth-led Led Worship Service
March 9: Rev. Allison a mission/ vision/ goals workshop follows.
March 16: Rev. Joyce
March 23: Rev. Bowie
March 30: Rev. Allison
April 6: Rev. Allison
April 13: Rev. Dr. Matthew returns. 
We’ll be making plans for a Stewardship campaign that will run quickly after I return. 
What will I be doing?  Reading, writing, some teaching.  I’ll be reading about and revising my doctoral project on UU Homiletic Theology, teaching a class on worship, and reading some other materials on clergy life today.  I’ll be in town for some of the time and with family and friends at other times.  I’m looking forward to this vital time to work my mind in different ways. 

Wesley Willows Group

The Wesley Willows group will meet the following days and times this coming year in the reflection room at the Town Center.

April 23, Wednesday, at 10 am

The Zanzen Meditation group is meeting in the church library every Saturday from 8:00 am to about 10:00 am for silent meditation and friendly discussion. We would like to invite all who are interested to check us out. There is no need to sign up or commit to anything. If you show up and behave we will probably be delighted to have you join us.


List of resources that may be helpful to you or someone you know.

Family Peace Center – 1-779-348-7600 
Remedies Renewing Lives – 24-hour Domestic Violence Hotline – 1-815-962-6102

Catholic Charities Long Term Care Ombudsman Program – 1-815-316-0040 or 1-800-369-0895
Mercyhealth at Home/Older Adult Services – 1-815-971-3502
Lifescape Community Services – 1-815-963-1609 or 1-800-779-1189 

Center for Sight and Hearing – 1-815-332-6800 P
RAMP – 1-815-968-7467 
The ARC – 1-815-965-3455 

Click Here for More Resources

Click Here for Teresa’s Tablet: President Obama’s Pluralism Speech
Literature Link in Memory of Dale Dunnigan 12/8/24 “A Winter Day”
Click Here to view Ministers and Staff: Duties, Hours, Contact

Community Events

Our Vision: A loving congregation that connects with ourselves, one another, and the larger community.  

Our Mission: We care for ourselves, each other, and our neighbors while taking risks acting for justice. We are continuously building an inclusive, empowered, anti-oppressive, anti-racist, multicultural congregation. Our connections foster radical love for ourselves and others.

The Board of Trustees: 
President: Matt Menze
Clerk: Kim Lowman Vollmer
Vice-President: Wendy Bennett
Treasurer: Bob Spelman

Trustees: Clark Logemann, Rebecca Beneditz, Neita Webster

The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL  |   4848 Turner St., Rockford, IL 61107   |   815-398-6322    |   uurockford.org  |





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