Friday Update September 6, 2024

Friday Update–Happy Weekend!

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Friday Update

You Are Invited!
September 8, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. 
Online and in-person
Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson 
Our annual homecoming service celebrates community and the invitation to a deeper and more meaningful life.  Students, bring a backpack for the backpack blessing.  We’ll also do the water celebration; there will be water for you to use but also feel free to bring some from a special source if you wish.  And there is a potluck afterwards, so bring a dish to share as well!

Order of Service

We will share the plate with Rockford Habitat for Humanity
Formed in 1988, Rockford Area Habitat for Humanity is the local Habitat affiliate for Winnebago County, Illinois.

Our work is not about houses, it is about homeowners. It’s about our community.

Habitat is dedicated to building homes, neighborhoods, and lives through improved housing opportunity. We build simple, decent, affordable homes to be sold to families currently living in substandard housing.

Rockford Habitat is for families who are ready to make a life-changing commitment to become homeowners. Families are selected on the basis of need for adequate housing, ability to make mortgage payments, and willingness to become partners in the program.

Click Here to Donate

Volunteers for Sunday, September 8th
Thank you to the Racial & Economic Justice Team for volunteering this Sunday.
Coffee Hosts
: Spitty Tata & Phil Hjemboe
Contact Rev. Joyce to sign up at

The Unicantors will meet this Sunday at 9:00 a.m. for rehearsal before the worship service.

Please join the UU Neighborhood Free Pantry Team on Saturday, September 7 from 11 am-1 pm for a mural painting party and picnic! 
Our pantry mural painting is designed and led by local artist Jenny Mathews, and all who come will be able to help paint and fill in the design on the pantry structure! There will be free boxed lunches from Jason’s Deli while supplies last (or you can bring your picnic lunch if you prefer), kid’s activities provided by Spectrum Progressive School, a visit from the RPL Mobile Library, and more. Let’s make this a party! If you are interested in helping out with setup, cleanup or volunteering during the event, please reach out to Dawn Nimmo. 

WCCC Notice
Greetings all,

It appears we have a dilemma on our September 10th meeting night.  It’s the same night as the Harris-Trump debate!  Like most of you, I’m sure, I don’t want to miss it!  We are sending out this notice to let you know that we are cancelling the September meeting so everyone has an opportunity to watch the Presidential debate!
We are looking forward to our October 8th meeting when our guest speaker will be our pro-choice Congressman, Eric Sorensen.  See you then!

Barb Giolitto, WCCC President

Past Sunday Services

Did you know you can watch past Sunday services anytime? We have them on our website under past worship services so you never have to miss a Sunday! Click here to find a service that you haven’t seen yet! You can also always go to our Facebook and YouTube pages.

The Board of Trustees: 
President: Matt Menze
Clerk: Kim Lowman Vollmer
Vice-President: Wendy Bennett
Treasurer: Bob Spelman
Trustees: Clark Logemann, Rebecca Beneditz, Neita Webster

The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL  |   4848 Turner St., Rockford, IL 61107   |   815-398-6322    |  |

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