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Q and A! September 3, 2023, at 10:00 a.m.Onlineand in-person Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson
It’s our semi-regular Q and A service. I will do my best to answer your questions. These services often turn about to be my favorites of the year, and surprisingly deep more often than not. You can send a question in advance to or prepare to write it down on Sunday.
We will Share the Plate with Rockford Urban Ministries Who we are: Founded in 1962, RUM (as Rockford Urban Ministries is affectionately known) is the outreach of more than twenty faith communities working together on social justice ministries. In its 60 years RUM has had four clergy directors. Since 1985, lay director Stanley Campbell has had the pleasure of doing the work. Violet Johnicker joined the staff in 2021 and together they work to resource congregations with tools to advocate for justice issues.
What we do:
Listen and respond to the needs of the community
Take risks to advocate for meaningful change and proven policy initiatives, even and especially when they are unpopular Share our views with elected officials at the local, state, and federal levels Offer trainings and teach-ins about important issues Partner with community organizations in the Rockford region
Volunteers for Sunday, September 3
Greeters: Neita Webster & We Need 1 More Volunteer
Guest Table: Ann Caskey & Jennifer Riley
Ushers: Sue Molyneaux & We Need 1 More Volunteer
Coffee Hosts: We Need 2 Volunteers
Please note that if you volunteer for coffee host you will need to clean up afterward and run the cups through the sanitizer. Spitty and others are happy to help you become familiar with how to handle this easy job. Sign Up Here
Choir Start-up
The Unicantors will have their first rehearsal of the new program year at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 7. We’ll meet in the sanctuary. Newcomers are most welcome! Questions? Contact Music Director Tim Anderson ( We hope to see you there!
Photo of the Week Thank you for sharing your chalice with us. If you are interested in purchasing a chalice or other UU items. Check out the inSpirit website.
The UU Church Auction website – Auctria – is now open for donations!
You may now self-post your donations through the link below. Donations will be accepted through Friday, September 1. Click Here to Donate If you have any questions or need assistance in entering your donation, you can reach out to Katie Kerr at
We appreciate your support. Your generosity in the auction helps support the continued work of the church. Thank you!
A Rockford Welcome — How is it? Wonderful Wednesday, Sept 6 at 6 pm
A Rockford Welcome — How is it?
Join a distinguished panel of experts and policymakers to discuss how Rockford and Illinois are doing to welcome people — newcomers, immigrants, refugees, and others — to our community and state. What are we doing well? What can we do better? How can you get involved and how can we join together to make us a place of profound welcome and belonging?
Panelists include IL State Representative Dave Vella (D-68), Community Leader Mustafa Abdul, City of Rockford Human Services Director Anqunette Parham, Dr. Keith Barnes, Vice President of Equity and Inclusion at Rock Valley College, and Dr. Misael Nascimento, Executive Director of Bilingual and Multicultural Services at Rockford Public Schools.
We are excited to announce that we are bringing Susana Mendoza to Rockford to speak at our annual WCCC Fundraiser. After two venue cancellations, the fundraiser will be here at the Unitarian Church, on Tuesday, Sept. 12 from 5:30-7:30 PM. Please join us for an evening of inspiration as we raise funds to support Women’s Reproductive Health Care Access and elect Pro-choice candidates.
To get tickets, if you don’t have Facebook and/or don’t want to go through Eventbrite for the tickets and pay the additional $5, you can send a check directly to
WCCC at PO Box 4443, Rockford 61110.
Past Sunday Services
Did you know you can watch past Sunday services anytime? We have them on our website under past worship services so you never have to miss a Sunday! Click here to find a service that you haven’t seen yet! You can also always go to our Facebook and YouTube pages.
The Board of Trustees:
President: Spitty Tata
Clerk: Kim Vollmer
Vice-President: Matt Menze
Treasurer: Steve Blomgren
Trustees: Clark Logemann, Sarah Greer, & Rebecca Beneditz
The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL | 4848 Turner St., Rockford, IL 61107 | 815-398-6322 | |