Friday Update November 3, 2021

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Friday Update

December Music Sunday: “Music Hath Charms”
December 5, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. Online and In-Person

Tim Anderson
As most of us already know, music has a profound ability to affect our well-being. Music can provide a healing touch to the mind, the body, and the soul. This Sunday, we will celebrate the healing power of music in word and melody as dear friends violinist Rachel Handlin and cellist Michael Beert join us in worship. We hope you will be able to join us!

Volunteers for Sunday Morning December 5

R.E. K and Under: Lauren Smith & Shiraz Tata
R.E. Grade 1 and Over: Lindsay Trank & Tracey Koppen
Ushers: We Need 2
Greeters: We Need 2
Guest Table: We Need 2

Thank you to those of you who have volunteered already!  Here is the google doc where you can sign up:

Or just email me at and let me know and I’ll put you in the system for that day.  

Thank you!

Autumn the office manager will be out of the office next week and will not be in until Sunday 12/12. All Kairos submissions for the 12/7 Kairos need to be sent to Autumn at by Sunday, December 5th at 2:00 p.m.

We will Share the Plate with UUPMI

We equip UU’s in Illinois to transform institutions and support people harmed by the prison industrial complex. For more information click here.
 Click Here to Donate
Please Click on the Order of Service Button Below to Follow Along on Sunday
Order of Service

Church is More than The Big Picture
There are also small things.
  • Who runs around the office desk to open the locked door? With a smile.
  • Who plans to and takes the kids outside on bad weather Sundays? Not me.
  • Who finds singing masks to keep the choir safe? Have you heard them yet?
  • Who cleans up after Sunday service? Even if there is no coffee hour.
At this holiday season, would you like to remember the staff for the small details that make this church run? Add to the “Holiday Gift Fund”  before December 15. Two ways:
  1. Drop off a check to the office, or the Sunday offering, labeled “Holiday Gift Fund”.
  2. Online. Click here to go to our giving page and make sure to select Holiday Gift as the fund.
Green Sanctuary will be meeting on December 19th rather than the last Sunday due to the holidays.
Inscape Collective
Want to shop and support 15 local artists & artisans and Jhoole, Inc? Do stop by this sale and support this social enterprise that some of our own church members are involved in launching at the Lee and Charmaine Schriener Peace & Justice Building in Midtown Rockford!
Being An Anti-Racist Church
The Board and leaders of the church are moving towards articulating that being on a continuous journey toward being an “anti-racist and multicultural church” is important to us.  What does that mean?  Let’s figure that out.
To get us together in this work, we want every member of the congregation to attend one of the four sessions we are offering on “being an anti-racist church.” 
The sessions are:
Sunday, January 16th, 11:30am, in Deale Hall – masks required
Wednesday, January 26th, Noon, in Deale Hall – masks required, but you can bring a lunch and remove your mask to eat
Wednesday, Feb. 9th, 7pm, on zoom at
Sunday, Feb 20th, 11:30am, in Deale Hall – masks required. 
Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color are welcome to attend any of these sessions AND/OR to attend a session for BIPOC folks ONLY on Wednesday, Jan 19th, at 5:30pm in Deale Hall, co-led by Rev. Matthew and Rev. Joyce.
The other sessions will be led by Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson.  All the sessions are identical in content, choose one. 
The sessions will be 1 hour.  This is a high-level overview. We will work through a list of the characteristics of an anti-racist and multicultural congregation. Please plan to attend one of these sessions.

Path to Membership Class!

Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford is pleased to announce the 2021 PATH to Membership Class will take place on Saturday, December 4 from 9:30 – 2:00 at UU Church, Rockford. Library. Rev. Matthew, Rev. Joyce, and members of the Membership Team will provide an overview of the church and ways to connect. Come out and meet other newcomers and get your questions answered.

When: December 4, 9:30 – 2:00
Where: UU Church Rockford Library
Who: Anyone interested in learning more about Unitarian Universalism, membership, and meeting other exciting newcomers

Questions? Email Rev. Joyce Palmer
Rockford MELD Logo
Our MELD donation tree is back in the narthex this year!  When you choose an ornament from the tree, you will find an item requested by a family listed on the back.  You may choose more than one ornament.  Once you have purchased the items listed on the ornament, place them in the bin in the Narthex designated for MELD donations.  Please do not wrap the items that you donate. 
Donations will be collected through Sunday, December 12.
If you are not able to select an ornament from the tree in person, you might consider ordering an item on Amazon and having it shipped directly to the MELD organization. Items can be shipped ℅ Terry Lynch 620 Kishwaukee St. Rockford, IL 61104.   Items that are always in high demand are warm socks for babies, children, and adults. 
Thank you for supporting Rockford MELD, a non-profit social service agency started in 1981.  The organization provides programs and services for young parents and their children in the Rockford community.  MELD offers emergency shelter and housing, parenting information, life and job skills training, support, resources, and prevention education.

The Board of Trustees: 
President: Amanda Tapfield          
Clerk: Bob Spelman
Vice-President: Judy Gustafson     
Treasurer: Teresa Wilmot 
Trustees: Khanh Oehlke, Sarah Greer, Jami Edmonds

The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL  |   4848 Turner St., Rockford, IL 61107   |   815-398-6322    |  |

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