Friday Update May 13, 2022

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Friday Update

Music Sunday: The Courage to Innovate
May 15, 2022 at 10:00 a.m.  Online and in-person 
The Unicantors and Guest Musicians
Order of Service
We will Share the Plate with Pairie State Legal

The mission of Prairie State Legal Services is to ensure equal access to justice and fair treatment under the law by providing legal advice and representation, advocacy, education, and outreach that serve to protect basic human needs and enforce or uphold rights.

Prairie State envisions a community where all low-income, elderly and vulnerable people have ready access to legal services to meet their basic needs and where everyone knows, understands and can exercise their rights and be treated fairly in their pursuit of justice.
Click Here to Donate

Volunteers for Sunday, May 15
Ushers: We Need 2 Volunteers
Greeters: We Need 2 Volunteers
Guest Table: We Need 2 Volunteers
Coffee Hosts: Spitty Tata & Phil Hjemboe
Please note that if you volunteer for coffee host you will need to clean up afterward and run the cups through the sanitizer.

Sign Up Here:

Thank you!
Don’t forget to go into Deale Hall after service this Sunday and grab an ice cream bar!
From the Nominating Committee:
We have the following nominees for your consideration the Annual Meeting on June 12th, 2022
Pres:   Judy Gustafson (one-year term)
VP:      Spitty Tata (one-year term)
Clerk:  Bob Spelman (one-year term)
Treasurer:  Steve Blomgren (one-year term)
At large:  Jami Edmonds (to fill unexpired one-year term)
                Shoko Chien (three year-term)
Nominating:   Judy Johnson (two-year term)
                       Dan Fellars (two-year term)
                       Amanda Tapfield (two-year term)
Conflict Resolution:  Jessica Hodierne (three-year term)

Let’s Get Together Again!!
Richness is found in relationships.  It’s powerful to gather people around a table to share a meal or play a game, or at some other social setting, sharing time with each other. Take some folks to lunch and a movie, get a group to go paddling, go to a park or museum or host a wine or beer tasting.  Let your creativity kick in, the possibilities are endless!!  This is our goal for this year’s auction.

We hope that you have been thinking about a social gathering to donate and host sometime this year. 

Below you will find the link to our auction website.  You will be able to self-post your donations next Monday, May 16.  Donations will be accepted through Tuesday, May 31.  Bidding on items will begin on Wednesday, June 1 and continue until the night of the Annual Meeting – Sunday, June 12 at 9 p.m.

If you have any questions or need assistance in entering your donation, you can reach out to Wendy Bennett – 815-218-0082 or Peggy Menze – 360-485-8324.  If you prefer, manual donation forms will be available in the Narthex the next 3 Sundays.  They can be turned in to Autumn at the office or given to Wendy or Peggy. 

Bring a Friend Sundays

Do you have a friend or neighbor who might be interested in learning more about our spiritual community?
This Sunday, May 15 is Music Sunday-share the gifts and talents of our wonderful choir and Music Director Tim Anderson with the music lovers in your life. 

Sunday, May 22 is Rev. Matthew preaching on the Courage to Be which promises not only to inspire and challenge us, but also provide encouragement to practice our faith in meaningful ways. 

AIM Team invites you to a training on Microaggressions and Disability
Monday, May 23 at 11am in the Library. 
Hello AAUW Members and friends,

Are you ready to rally and be heard?  Please join AAUW, League of Women Voters, Women’s March Rockford and Winnebago County Citizens for Choice as we rally together with many groups throughout the country.

BANS OFF OUR BODIES National Day of Action:

11 a.m.-1 p.m.

There will be some exciting speakers.  Be part of this important rally.

Faye Marcus

Who Makes a Difference in Our Community?

The Social Justice Team is seeking nominees for the Connolly Community Service Awards for 2022. A bit of history of the awards and the nomination procedures follow. If you know someone – or a group of people — you think should receive one of these awards, please turn in nominations to the church office.

History: In 1993 the church initiated a community service award to recognize a member of the congregation for significant contributions to the community. The award was named for Dr. Charles Parker Connolly, minister of our congregation from 1913 to 1942, and a recognized community leader.

To date the award has been presented to the following individuals: Walt Lewis, Marky Caskey, Martha Logemann, Pat Tollefsrud, Sandra Locke, David Weissbard, Lynn Liston, Pat Lewis, Jon McGinty, JoAnn Shaheen, Leigh Lakey, Roger Oehlke, Lola Gustafson, Allen Penticoff, Colleen McDonald, Jackie Dehler, Bob Arevalo, Dave Black, Myrna Lake, Dave Lantz, Barb Giolitto, Duane Wilke, Ellyn Ahmer, Dale Dunnigan, Nikki Ticknor, and Bob Babcock.

More recently an award was established to recognize a young person, 8th grade through high school, for service to the church and community. Recipients to date are Emma Stocker, Katie Whitworth, Sandra Hill, Jackie Whitworth, Emily Pfleiderer, Max Freund, and Ari Almonaci.

 For the second year, the Social Justice Council has decided to have a “group” award.  This award will be for a group of people, formally or informally organized, who has done the work of justice in our community. Last year the award went to the Cornucopia Group.

The awards are presented at the annual meeting of the congregation.

The nominations should include:

 A detailed description of volunteer and/or professional involvement and accomplishments, tasks, performed and issues addressed impact on others, and other relevant information.

 A signed statement that the nominee is willing to be nominated.

A nomination should include the name of the nominator and is due in the office (Send to Autumn by June 7th. The nominations will be reviewed and a selection made by the Social Justice Team before the annual meeting.

The Board of Trustees: 
President: Amanda Tapfield          
Clerk: Bob Spelman
Vice-President: Judy Gustafson     
Treasurer: Teresa Wilmot 
Trustees: Khanh Oehlke, Sarah Greer, Jami Edmonds

The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL  |   4848 Turner St., Rockford, IL 61107   |   815-398-6322    |  |

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