Friday Update December 30, 2022

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Friday Update

New Year’s Day
Finding Our Center: The Labyrinth
January 1, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. (Please note this service will not be live-streamed)
Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson

The Labyrinth is an ancient spiritual tool that helps us come back to our center.  We’ll learn a little about the labyrinth and then experience the journey in the sanctuary, where a labyrinth will be set up for today. 

We will Share the Plate with The African-American Resource Center at Booker

Mission Statement:
To provide an environment that promotes the quality of life, values and the welfare of the people of our community through education, art, recreational and cultural programs, and to promote learning and sharing within the greater multicultural community.

We provide programming that enhances the quality of life, promotes the achievements, and improves the welfare of the members of our community.

Click Here to Donate

Volunteers for Sunday, January 1
Ushers: Barb Wilson & Pam Wilson
Greeters: Neita Webster
Guest Table: Gloria Perez & We Need 1 More Volunteer
Coffee Hosts: We Need 2 Volunteers
Please note that if you volunteer for coffee host you will need to clean up afterward and run the cups through the sanitizer. 
Reminder to coffee hour hosts: please make sure the heater is off and the machine master switch is off when you leave. Thank you!
Sign Up Here

Explorers on a Spiritual Journey

We are all invited into a spiritual life. But what is a spiritual life? Enter the journey of discovery with Gloria Perez, trained spiritual companion/director.

Group sessions will meet once a month on Zoom beginning Wednesday, January 11th at 6pm.

Sign up here
What lessons and inspiration can we find in Mistakes and Miracles to guide our
striving for Beloved Community, today?
Let’s read together the story of congregations who are doing the work of 
multiculturalism and antiracism.
Buy your book now and join us for Zoom Discussion Series on 4 Tuesdays. 
Sign up at Guest Table or
Books for sale in Deale Hall on Sunday mornings for $20.00, make checks payable to Connection Victory.
January 24 at 6:30pm-Rev. Matthew
February 21 at 6:30pm-Rev. Joyce
March 21 at 6:30pm-Rev. Linda Lawrence
April 18 at 6:30 pm-Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones

Past Sunday Services

Did you know you can watch past Sunday services anytime? We have them on our website under past worship services so you never have to miss a Sunday! Click here to find a service that you haven’t seen yet! You can also always go to our Facebook and YouTube pages.

The Board of Trustees: 
President: Judy Gustafson   
Clerk: Bob Spelman
Vice-President: Spitty Tata
Treasurer: Steve Blomgren
Trustees: Sarah Greer, Jami Edmonds, Rebecca Beneditz

The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL  |   4848 Turner St., Rockford, IL 61107   |   815-398-6322    |  |

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