Friday Update August 16, 2024

Friday Update–Happy Weekend!

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Friday Update

Love on the Line
August 18, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. Online and in-person
Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson 
In the current political and social context, how do we let love guide us?  What does love ask of us in how we relate to our neighbors?  How might we practice loving speech and deeds – love that is truthful, and courageous, but also kind?  Words of encouragement and hope for the season before us. 

Order of Service

We will share the plate with RAMP
RAMP is a non-profit, non-residential Center for Independent Living (CIL) that emulates the Independent Living Philosophy with a mission to build an inclusive community that encourages individuals with disabilities to reach their full potential. RAMP services enrich individual’s lives. Oftentimes we meet with individuals who have experienced a traumatic or life-changing event (i.e. child recently diagnosed with a disability, accident resulting in permanent disability, etc.). These life-changing events can leave an individual reeling, as well as their family, and not knowing where to turn or what to do. It is this grassroots effort and philosophy to “meet someone where they are at” that drives this organization.
Click Here to Donate

Volunteers for Sunday, August 18
Thank you to the Caring Team for volunteering this Sunday!
Ushers: Dick Lake & Myrna Lake
Contact Rev. Joyce to sign up at

The memorial service for Randy Locke will be tomorrow Saturday, August 17 at 11:00 a.m. at the church.

Order of Service for Randy Locke

Getting to Know UU Sessions
Sessions are designed for newcomers to learn about our church and meet other newcomers. We meet in the Sanctuary from 11:15 – 11:45. If you are curious about and considering membership, this is a great place to start.

August 18th Our Story with Rev. Matthew

UU 2030: Young Adult 20s and 30s Ministry Workshop

Sunday, August 25
11:30 – 1:30
Join members and staff for a workshop and spiritual discussion to kickstart a new 20s and 30s young adult ministry at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Rockford. Facilitated by the ministry advisory group UU 2030, we will begin building a dedicated, spiritually-focused community for folks in their 20s and 30s that will include weeknight spiritual discussion groups, socials, potlucks, and more. We’ll learn how UU 2030 kickstarted their first program at Neighborhood UU Church of Pasadena, CA, and went from an initial 4 to over 40 active participants in their programs.
If you are a member or visitor in your 20s or 30s, this is for you and we’d love for you to join. Childcare will be provided.
Click Here to Register for the Young Adult Workshop

Past Sunday Services

Did you know you can watch past Sunday services anytime? We have them on our website under past worship services so you never have to miss a Sunday! Click here to find a service that you haven’t seen yet! You can also always go to our Facebook and YouTube pages.

The Board of Trustees: 
President: Matt Menze
Clerk: Kim Lowman Vollmer
Vice-President: Wendy Bennett
Treasurer: Bob Spelman
Trustees: Clark Logemann, Rebecca Beneditz, Neita Webster

The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL  |   4848 Turner St., Rockford, IL 61107   |   815-398-6322    |  |

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