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Volunteers for Sunday, March 9 Thank you to our Racial and Economic Justice Team for volunteering for hospitality this Sunday!
Happy Birthday to: Theodore Tzemopoulos (Mar 06) Lawrence Hughes (Mar 07), Shoko Chien (Mar 08), Wild Darke (Mar 08), Brian Gustafson (Mar 09), Ken Ring (Mar 09), Mary Caskey (Mar 09), & Madeline Arnold (Mar 10)!
Notice of Special Meeting of the Society March 23, 2025
It’s time to care for the building we love so much!
Please plan to attend a special congregational meeting immediately following our worship service on March 23, 2025. The last two editions of Kairos have included articles about the deteriorating siding on our church building and what will be involved and the cost of replacing it. Before the Board can authorize such an expense, it must be approved by a vote of the Society.
Please review the Summary by clicking the button below. We also have printed copies of Part 2 of the project summary available at church.
Questions? See Dave Schubert, Clark Logemann, Steve Lewis, Bob Spelman or Matt Menze.
Mission / Vision / Ends Workshop Sunday, March 9th
Join us Sunday, March 9 following worship to complete our work around our Mission / Vision / Ends. We will meet in the Sanctuary around 11:15 to fine tune our statement of the vision for our church over the next three or so years. Once our work is complete, Rev. Matthew and the staff will develop the strategies to achieve those outcomes.
Kairos Submission Guidelines
Our goal is to keep our members and friends updated on the latest news and upcoming events.
Each submission needs to include only the most important information describing the event and the action you want people to take. Following these guidelines will make it easier to inform and inspire participation.
Each submission needs a graphic
Title, date, time and place
2 – 3 sentences describing the event and what impact it will have on participants.
Contact information of leaders
*Kairos submissions are due by 5pm on Monday. Send your notices to our Office Manager, Autumn Powell at
Thank you for following these guidelines,
Rev. Joyce
Wonderful Wednesday, 3/05/25 HAS BEEN CANCELED. We will reschedule for April
Eco-Justice Wonderful Wednesday: All Ages Spring Equinox Celebration!
Wednesday, March 19 at 5:30 pm in Deale Hall
Join us for an all-ages Spring Equinox celebration with snacks, music, a Story for All Ages, seed ritual, and more! We will remind ourselves that no matter how much uncertainty we find in our world, we trust that spring will always come and hope remains. Attendees are invited to bring a small nature treasure to help decorate our altar during the celebration. If you have any questions, reach out to Rebecca Beneditz or Dawn Nimmo. We hope you will join us!
UU Who’s Who?
featuring Gary Lawrence (current Nominating Panel Chair)
Question 1: What do you enjoy about being a member of the Nominating Panel?
Answer: By far it is getting to see and meet the amazing people and incredible talents we have right here in our congregation – diverse people and talents that I wasn’t even aware of before.
Question 2: How did you get your position?
Answer: I’ve been a member of this church over 30 years, and a choir member most of those years. And in those 30 years. I’d never even BEEN to a Board meeting. I pretty much took the Board and all they do for granted, so the call to ask me to serve on the Nominating Panel was a wake-up call for me, and a chance to give something back to the church that was here for me when I needed it.
Question 3: How much time do you spend doing work on the Nominating Panel?
Answer: Nominating Panel work has taken a little longer than usual this year because we are improving the process. We should be back to normal next year. The Nominating Panel’s work used to be compressed into one crazy month, and one of the changes we made was to spread that time more evenly over the year to be able to make the best candidate choices.
Please nominate someone to help serve the church at: We’re accepting nominations until March 31.
Meeting Recap: The Board passed a motion to call a Special Meeting on March 23 to put the siding project before the congregation, discussed church security, and refined the work from the Feb. 9 Mission/Vision meeting in preparation for the Ends/Strategies meeting on March 9.
The Library team has added two new books to our collection. Authentic Selves by Peggy Gillespie Dinosaurs at the Dinner Party by Edward Dolnick
Wesley Willows Group
The Wesley Willows group will meet the following days and times this coming year in the reflection room at the Town Center.
April 23, Wednesday, at 10 am
List of resources that may be helpful to you or someone you know.
Family Peace Center – 1-779-348-7600
Remedies Renewing Lives – 24-hour Domestic Violence Hotline – 1-815-962-6102
Catholic Charities Long Term Care Ombudsman Program – 1-815-316-0040 or 1-800-369-0895
Mercyhealth at Home/Older Adult Services – 1-815-971-3502
Lifescape Community Services – 1-815-963-1609 or 1-800-779-1189
Center for Sight and Hearing – 1-815-332-6800 P
RAMP – 1-815-968-7467
The ARC – 1-815-965-3455
Immigrants are front and center in our politics today, and their protection is a key human rights issue of our congregation. It’s amazing that the concert planned by Rockford Symphony a year ago is so timely.
The March 8th concert at the Coronado incorporates history from Midway Village Museum, stories of Rockford immigrants, and performances by actors from AET, Artists’ Ensemble Theater, in a night of orchestral music.
The featured work, Ellis Island: Dream of America, by Peter Boyer combines music with excerpts of diaries of Americans who arrived through Ellis Island.
The RSO is inviting its audience to submit personal immigration stories, some of which will be selected and acted by Carolyn Cadigan, Stephen F. Vrtol, Marissa Nosi Swanson, Gary Wingert, Betsy Baker, David A. Gingerich and Margaret Raether, all professional actors with AET.
Are you called to bring a loving, UU presence inside your local jail or prison?
Please join the Unitarian Universalist Prison Ministry of IL leaders for an “inside” jail and prison facilitation training, held Saturday, March 8, from 2pm to 5pm in Rm. 3 at the Unitarian Church of Evanston at 1330 Ridge Avenue.
This small-group style facilitator training will serve as a foundation for going in to facilitate circles in jail or prison. We currently have active ministries in Cook County jail men’s and women’s sides as well as at Logan Women’s prison, with potential expansion to Decatur Women’s prison. We will cover skill-building for trauma-informed facilitation, grounding, self-care and cultural humility.
Please note: you cannot participate in IL Dept of Corrections programming (prison) if you are a pen pal with someone locked up in IDOC. Questions? Can’t make the date but still interested? Contact UUPMI here.
register is
Our Vision: A loving congregation that connects with ourselves, one another, and the larger community.
Our Mission: We care for ourselves, each other, and our neighbors while taking risks acting for justice. We are continuously building an inclusive, empowered, anti-oppressive, anti-racist, multicultural congregation. Our connections foster radical love for ourselves and others.
The Board of Trustees:
President: Matt Menze
Clerk: Kim Lowman Vollmer
Vice-President: Wendy Bennett
Treasurer: Bob Spelman Trustees: Clark Logemann, Rebecca Beneditz, Neita Webster
The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL | 4848 Turner St., Rockford, IL 61107 | 815-398-6322 | |