Kairos May 31, 2022

Kairos                                                       05/24/2022

Flower Celebration
June 5, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. Online and in-person 
Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson
On Pentecost Sunday, Christians celebrate when the Spirit allowed them to communicate across boundaries of language, and filled them with love and care for each other.  In the 20th century, Norbert Capek created the Flower Celebration to remind his Unitarian congregation that their diversity, gathered together, made them beautiful. In this time of division and despair, how might we be so reminded of our beauty, love, and common destiny? 
Please bring a flower or two to worship with you. 
If you have not filled out a pledge form for this coming fiscal year please click here!
We will Share the Plate with WCCC Scotti’s Fund
Click Here to Donate
Happy Birthday to: Debra Harmon (06/01), Kathleen Welch (06/02), Ryan Hyser (06/04), Marjorie Christen (06/05), & Julie Parks (06/06)!

Volunteers for Sunday, June 5
Ushers: We Need 2 Volunteers
Greeters: We Need 2 Volunteers
Guest Table: We Need 2 Volunteers
Coffee Hosts: We Need 2 Volunteers
Please note that if you volunteer for coffee host you will need to clean up afterward and run the cups through the sanitizer.

Sign Up Here: https://uurockford.breezechms.com/form/74f73a

Thank you!
Matthew’s Memo
May 31st, 2022
I have been grieving and upset about the massacre of children in Uvalde, Texas, a week ago.  I think I have been more upset than I first realized – I have been a bit out of sorts for no particular reason, and I think this is why.  This is a way that long-distance grief and trauma can feel like.  It gets at us without us realizing what’s going on. 
How many times? 
In making sure I spelled the name of Uvalde correctly, I saw an NPR story about the 8 other mass shootings that had taken place since Tuesday.  It’s obscene.  It’s evil.
Like many of you, I’m sure, I have two feelings about this.  One is a sense of hopelessness.  We have had the chance to act many times – to restrict gun purchases by type of weapon and by the buyer; to take some action – and we have not done so.  The democratic party says they will do something, but they do nothing.  The republicans say they will do nothing, and do nothing.  It feels so hopeless. 
On the other hand, I hold the truth that this doesn’t happen in other countries.  It just doesn’t.  And though culture matters, we are not so different from everyone else.  If they can stop this, why can’t we?  I see young leaders rising up, and I think: we must try.  We must. 
I intend to get more involved in this work.  To speak out more, and to join coalitions working on this.  Gun violence isn’t just mass shootings.  It’s also the apparent “suicide by cop” that happened at the Rockford Casino over the weekend, and the two racing cars trading dozens of bullets down N. 2nd in the middle of the night a mile from my house the other night.  It infects this down where we live.  It is unacceptable.  We need a sense of urgency about this, or nothing will get done. 
As I hear about chances to get involved, who we need to push, and for what, I will let you know.  One thing I know you can do is to write or call Senator Dick Durbin, and urge him, as majority whip in the Senate, to push his colleagues to take stronger action. 
In rage, grief, and faith,
Rally Against Gun Violence 
Friday 4:30 p.m. Check Friday Update for the exact location to be announced.
Sponsored by Moms Demand Action and R.U.M
From the Nominating Committee:
We have the following nominees for your consideration the Annual Meeting on June 12th, 2022
Pres:   Judy Gustafson (one-year term)
VP:      Spitty Tata (one-year term)
Clerk:  Bob Spelman (one-year term)
Treasurer:  Steve Blomgren (one-year term)
At large:  Jami Edmonds (to fill unexpired one-year term)
                Shoko Chien (three year-term)
Nominating:   Judy Johnson (two-year term)
                       Dan Fellars (two-year term)
                       Amanda Tapfield (two-year term)
Conflict Resolution:  Jessica Hodierne (three-year term)


Starting at midnight tonight, 6/1, you can start bidding on the offerings.  We have some great social events being donated, so be sure to check out the website!!

If you need any assistance in entering your donation, please let us know.  You can call Autumn at the church office at 815-398-6322, Peggy at 360-485-8324, or Wendy at 815-218-0082.
Let’s make this a successful fundraiser!!  And, Let’s Get Together Again!!

Click here for the Paper Bidding Form


We will be placing an order for nametags soon. If you do not have one or yours is broken or missing, please contact Rev. Joyce Palmer at assistminister@uurockford.org
Board Update
The Board reviewed a chapter of the Widening the Circle report, reviewed our covid policies, approved the budget recommendation for next year, decided to cast our ballots for UUA Trustee for the Revs. Suzanne Fast and Justine Sullivan, decided how to move forward with energy efficiency work, and set the agenda for the annual meeting. 
Inline image
Path to Membership
Membership is an important step in building a relationship with UU Church Rockford community. If you have been attending services and feel like this church might be a good fit for you, we invite you to come to our next Path to Membership class on Saturday, June 4 from 9:30 – 2:00 at the church. Rev. Matthew, Rev. Joyce and members of the congregation will provide an overview of the church and ways to connect. Come and Meet other newcomers and get your questions answered.

When: Saturday, June 4 9:30 – 2:00
Where: UU Church Rockford Library
Who: Anyone interested in learning more about Unitarian Universalism, membership and meeting other newcomers

**Childcare provided upon request

Who Makes a Difference in Our Community?

The Social Justice Team is seeking nominees for the Connolly Community Service Awards for 2022. A bit of history of the awards and the nomination procedures follow. If you know someone – or a group of people — you think should receive one of these awards, please turn in nominations to the church office.

History: In 1993 the church initiated a community service award to recognize a member of the congregation for significant contributions to the community. The award was named for Dr. Charles Parker Connolly, minister of our congregation from 1913 to 1942, and a recognized community leader.

To date the award has been presented to the following individuals: Walt Lewis, Mary Caskey, Martha Logemann, Pat Tollefsrud, Sandra Locke, David Weissbard, Lynn Liston, Pat Lewis, Jon McGinty, JoAnn Shaheen, Leigh Lakey, Roger Oehlke, Lola Gustafson, Allen Penticoff, Colleen McDonald, Jackie Dehler, Bob Arevalo, Dave Black, Myrna Lake, Dave Lantz, Barb Giolitto, Duane Wilke, Ellyn Ahmer, Dale Dunnigan, Nikki Ticknor, Bob Babcock, and Shiraz Tata.

More recently an award was established to recognize a young person, 8th grade through high school, for service to the church and community. Recipients to date are Emma Stocker, Katie Whitworth, Sandra Hill, Jackie Whitworth, Emily Pfleiderer, Max Freund, and Ari Almonaci.

 For the second year, the Social Justice Council has decided to have a “group” award.  This award will be for a group of people, formally or informally organized, who has done the work of justice in our community. Last year the award went to the Cornucopia Group.

The awards are presented at the annual meeting of the congregation.

The nominations should include:

 A detailed description of volunteer and/or professional involvement and accomplishments, tasks, performed and issues addressed impact on others, and other relevant information.

 A signed statement that the nominee is willing to be nominated.

A nomination should include the name of the nominator and is due in the office (Send to Autumn uurockford@gmail.com) by June 7th. The nominations will be reviewed and a selection made by the Social Justice Team before the annual meeting.

Click Here for Literature Link from Dale
Click Here for Teresa’s Tablet
Click Here to view Ministers and Staff: Duties, Hours, Contact
Social Justice Updates
Eliminate Racism
Film Discussion
Friday June10, 2022 
6-8:30 p.m.

Islam, Violence and Islamophobia: This film looks at Islam and violence from different perspectives. Sheds light on the negative stereotypes common to discriminate against Muslims.
Join Zoom Meeting here: 

The film discussions are presented in partnership with The Baha’i Community of the Rockford Area and Rockford Public Library.

Book Discussion  
Thursday June 30, 2022  6:00 p.m.

Join us by zoom for a discussion of The Undocumented American. Karla Cornejo Villavicencio was on DACA when she decided to write about being undocumented using her own name. She embarked on a trip across the country telling DACA stories.
Please read the book on your own and we will discuss it. 
Join the Zoom Meeting here: 
Book discussions are presented in partnership with Rockford Public Library.


Rockford Area Gun Violence
Prevention Forum

The horrific mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas has reiterated the need for us to work together to find solutions to the violence.  
Gun Violence Prevention Forum: “Together We Can Find Solutions to This Community Epidemic” presented by the League of Women Voters of Greater Rockford on Tuesday, June 14 at Second First Church, 318 N. Church Street from 6 – 8PM.

Panelists include:  Mayor Tom McNamara, Jennifer Cacciapaglia, Director of Mayor’s Office on Domestic and Community Violence Prevention, Rockford Police Chief Carla Redd, State’s Attorney J. Hanley, State Representative Maurice West, County Board Chairman Joe Chiarelli and LWVIL Chair GVP State Committee Jim McGrath.

Panelists will have 2-3 minutes for opening comments, followed by a time for Q & A.  Attendees will have an opportunity to share their ideas on how our community can be involved to help.

Community Events

Womanspace’s Glitzy Garage Sale

Volunteers needed and donations being taken until 5/31/’22. For more info please go to 
If you are missing our Trash & Treasure or even have an hour to spare-your help will be greatly appreciated! 
The Board of Trustees: 
President: Amanda Tapfield          
Clerk: Bob Spelman
Vice-President: Judy Gustafson     
Treasurer: Teresa Wilmot 
Trustees: Khanh Oehlke, Sarah Greer, Jami Edmonds
The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL  |   4848 Turner St., Rockford, IL 61107   |   815-398-6322    |   uurockford.org  |
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