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The Humanists April 10, 2022, at 10:00 a.m.Online and in-person Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson The Humanist movement among the Unitarians and Universalists, which began in the early 1900’s and continues to this day, has transformed our faith. It has cleared away old habits and created new ones. It has created new language and made space for new possibilities. We’ll explore where it comes from, how it has changed, and where it might be taking us now.
We will Share the Plate with Maya’s House
MAYA’S House is a drop-in center for children under five whose families are homeless. Families come from Remedies, the domestic violence agency, Rockford Rescue Mission and other organizations where children are attached to the parents. MAYA’S House is not a full-time day care, though it follows DCFS guidelines for staffing, is licensed by the Winnebago County Health Department and meets the city zoning requirements for child care programs. Parents can leave their children with the day care provider while they attended the many appointments required by programs and government agencies who serve families that are homeless. Click Here to Donate
Happy Birthday to: Del Clark (04/06), Lisa Schultz Volkman (04/07), Kay Hotchkiss (04/11), Dick Lake (04/11), Leslie Mahan (04/11), Linda Spelman (04/12), & Pat Lewis (04/12)!
Volunteers for Sunday, April 10
Ushers: Linda Johnson & 1 More Volunteer Needed
Greeters: Rhea Overley & 1 More Volunteer Needed
Guest Table: Rev. Joyce Palmer & 1 More Volunteer Needed
Coffee Hosts: Spitty Tata & 1 More Volunteer Needed
Please note that if you volunteer for coffee host you will need to clean up afterward and run the cups through the sanitizer.
First, some unfinished business from Sunday. A few of you asked if there was any relationship between the “Arians” – the subject of my sermon, and the followers of the bishop Arius, who held that Jesus was created by God, not equal to God – and the “Aryans,” the master-race imagined by the Nazi’s. The answer is no. Though the words are homophones (they sound alike) they have completely separate meanings and origins. (“Aryan” is a deliberate misreading of central/south Asian history to create the fictional notion of a “superior” race.)
Second, I hope you’ll take the time to look at the “Lighten Up!” stewardship campaign events in this newsletter and choose one to attend. The generosity team thought we should have fun and celebrate all the things we do as a community. We tried to plan safe, fun, and enjoyable activities for you to choose from. Do come to one and reconnect with others as part of the campaign.
Third, I do hope that you and your family, if you feel comfortable doing so, will attend the Seder celebration on April 15th. This is a long-time UU Church tradition here, which is led by and was created by Jewish UU’s. It’s fun and I’d love to see you there.
Fourth, I’d also love to have you join us for UU Theology 101, our Wonderful Wednesday on April 13th, at 7 pm in the library at church. I do a UU Theology 101 unit for the newcomer’s program, but if you haven’t done that in a while, you might like a refresher. I’ll also talk about new trends in our theology and answer your questions.
In faith,
UU Passover Seder on Good Friday, April 15, 6 pm
Share in a UU Rockford tradition—a Passover Seder—complete with ritual foods and ancient words of freedom, in a family friendly community. Bring your children, who have their own traditions to share.
A 5-course meal ends the Seder. In our version, everyone shares the tasks. Sign up to either set up, arriving at 5 pm; serve food; or clean up after the celebration ends.
The cost includes the meal and Jewish ritual foods, which are purchased in Buffalo Grove. Sign up in the Narthex, call Autumn at (815) 398-6322, or email the office by Sunday, April 10th. Note if you want the vegan option.
Adults $ 12
Children over 10 $ 6
Children over 5 $ 3
Family Maximum Cost $ 30
If you’ve never shared a Seder, make this the year you join our community’s celebration.
To order via email, copy this form:
Name (for Family)_________________________________________
Number of adults _____ Children over 10_____ Children over 5 _____
Number of vegan meals ______.
Choose one from: Set-up ____ Serve _____ Clean-up _____
And email to:
Submitted by Teresa Wilmot
Lighten up!
Generosity Campaign 2022
It’s time to Lighten Up! To celebrate, to be joyful, to have fun, and to turn up our light as a church. We’re about to begin our generosity (aka stewardship, aka pledge drive) campaign for the coming fiscal year. We hope every member will attend ONE of the following events. Each event is designed to highlight something fun and good about our church. There will be a brief stewardship presentation at each event, but the focus will be on having fun and doing good together. More information to come. But for now, select one event and put it on your calendar.
Celebrating Ministry! Join UU ministers who did their internship with us, or were members here before seminary. Guests include Revs. Morgan McLean, Phil Lund, Misha Sanders, Kimberlee Carlson, Jim Parrish, David Kraemer, and Nancy McDonald Ladd. On zoom at, April 12, 7pm.
Concert! Join Music Director Tim Anderson for a daytime concert. Friday, April 22nd, 12pm.
Our History Scavenger Hunt! Begin at Ingersoll Centennial Park (Madison and Oak near downtown Rockford). Follow the clues through our history and join at the Olympic Tavern with your completed clues. Saturday 23rd, 3pm start.
Write for Justice! Meet in Deale Hall to write letters thanking Reps. West and Vella for their support of the Criminal Justice Reform bill and encouraging them and Sen. Stadleman to resist roll-back efforts. Wednesday, April 27, 7pm.
Wesley Willows Happy Hour! Meet on the driveway at the home of Myrna and Dick Lake. BYOB. Contact office if you need address. Friday, May 6th, 4pm.
Woods and Prairie at the Church! Meet in the parking lot to hike our woods and prairie with a naturalist guide. Saturday, May 7, 2pm.
Ice-cream Social! We’ll get an ice-cream truck. It’ll be great. Sunday, May 15th, after church.
See you at one of these events!
Your generosity team: Ruth Little, Wendy Bennett, Linda Johnson, Sara Dorner, Sandi Campbell, and Matthew Johnson
Path to Membership Class!
Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford is pleased to announce the 2022 PATH to Membership Class will take place on Saturday, April 9 from 9:30 – 2:00 at UU Church, Rockford. Library. Rev. Matthew, Rev. Joyce, and members of the Membership Team will provide an overview of the church and ways to connect. Come out and meet other newcomers and get your questions answered.
When: April 9, 9:30 – 2:00
Where: UU Church Rockford Library
Who: Anyone interested in learning more about Unitarian Universalism, membership, and meeting other exciting newcomers
FREE Pickleball lessons for beginners!
Our UU pickleball group invites you to come at 1:00 on Thursday, March 31, and Tuesday, April 5. Depending on the weather, will be either at Sports Factory or at Sinnissippi. Send Autumn your e-mail to register.
Film Discussion
Friday April 8, 2022
6-8:30 p.m.
Black Boys: Video Project – an inter-generational exploration, that strives for insight to black identity and opportunity. Several Black men hold up the beauty of a healthy relationship with a caring adult. The power of love can serve as a healer for a variety of trauma
Join Zoom Meeting here:
The film discussions are presented in partnership with The Baha’i Community of the Rockford Area and Rockford Public Library.
Book Discussion
Thursday April 28, 2022 6:00 p.m.
Join us by zoom for a discussion of Threading My Prayer Rug: One Woman’s Journey from Pakistani Muslim to American Muslimby Sebeeha Rehman. Beginning with a moving account of her arranged marriage, it offers the refreshing view of an American life through Muslim eyes. Filled with humor & hope, balances heritage and overcomes religious barriers.
Please read the book on your own and we will discuss it.
Book discussions are presented in partnership with Rockford Public Library.
Community Events
Good Afternoon Rockford Area Habitat for Humanity Partners,
While it feels like the year has only just begun, we are already gearing up for our 2022 construction season which kicks off this May. In 2021 we built homes for six families and that is thanks to our volunteers and community partners like yourself. This year we are doing it all again and adding one additional home to the count, bringing us to building home for seven amazing families. Yes, SEVEN! We can’t believe it either. Rockford has shown us year after year that you are willing to support us and adding an additional home to the roster is only possible because of you. We have said it many times in the past and will continue to remind you that we are beyond grateful and blessed to have the community supporting us, so together, we can continue to build hope one home at a time.
This year we are looking for even more community support to fill roughly 80 build days. While that may sound intimidating, we know it is a request our community will fill. So, what exactly am I asking of you today? Sign up NOW for your 2022 build day. Come swing a hammer with us starting THIS May with your business, family, church, club or as a friend group. No experience, no problem! We have a group of talented house leaders to lead you through the day. All you need is a willingness to learn, work, have fun, and likely shed a little sweat.
CLICK HERE to take a look at our building schedule and read a bit more about what exactly a build day looks like. Have questions or concerns about volunteering? Reach out to me and we can discuss more.
We are counting down the days until we kick-off this year’s construction season and we cannot wait to do it alongside our community,
Greta Sanders, Volunteer Manager
Rockford Area Habitat for Humanity
5183 Harlem Rd. Suite 3 | Loves Park, Il 61111
Office: 815-636-4573
The Board of Trustees:
President: Amanda Tapfield
Clerk: Bob Spelman
Vice-President: Judy Gustafson
Treasurer: Teresa Wilmot
Trustees: Khanh Oehlke, Sarah Greer, Jami Edmonds
The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL | 4848 Turner St., Rockford, IL 61107 | 815-398-6322 | |