Friday Update March 4, 2022

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Friday Update


The Tao
March 6, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. Online and in-person 
Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson
We begin a three sermon series on key concepts in Taoism.  I believe that philosophical Taoism offers a way to think about life, community, the holy, and the universe that opens up possibilities of joy, peace, and presence.  We’ll begin with the idea of the Tao itself.  What is “the way?”  
Order of Service

Volunteers for Sunday, March 6
Ushers: We Need 2
Greeters: Scott and Sue Garwick
Guest Table: We Need 2

Email me at and let me know what you would like to volunteer for!

Thank you!

Info for Ushers
Ushers are responsible for handing out the orders of service and passing the baskets during the offering. Both ushers will need to count how many people were in service and the money collected and put it in the bag that is provided. Once you are done counting, give the bag to Autumn at the tech desk in the Sanctuary. If Autumn is not working that Sunday please drop it in the locked box under the mailboxes by the offices.
As we build back our ministry, we NEED YOUR HELP.  Please, volunteer to make people of all ages feel welcome and included.  Volunteering for Religious Education and Welcome Ministries is a wonderful way to get to know people, grow your faith, and serve your church.  

We want to bring Religious Education back for our children, and we want to do it right.  This means we need NEW volunteers to join the reliable stalwarts.  Now is the time to try this out!  You’ll enjoy it!

Religious Education Volunteers lead our Sunday School programs.  We have age groups for children in Kindergarten and under, 1st-3rd grade, 4th-6th grade, and 7th-12th grade.  Two adults lead each room.  Vaccination against Covid-19 and a background check are required.  

**** If you are willing to volunteer for Religious Education, complete this form to sign up:****

**** If you are already a volunteer for Religious Education, you can indicate your dates on this form:  ****

Welcome volunteers include ushers, greeters, guest table hosts, and hospitality volunteers.  Training is provided for all these roles.  If you are willing to be a hospitality volunteer, click here to let us know what Sundays you can serve:  
The Prison Ministry Team will meet in the Library this Sunday at 11:15 a.m. 
We will Share the Plate with Action for Children Uniforms
The Families in Transition program in our Rockford public schools does an excellent job of providing services for those students who have no permanent place to live i.e. homeless.  They cannot provide school uniforms, and for many years, we have helped fill this need.  Our Share the Plate this Sunday will ease this concern for a required uniform and foster many confident happy kids and grateful families. Thank you for your generosity.
Click Here to Donate

Kitchen Clean-Up day
We hope you’ll consider helping! Come help clean up on March 12 at 11 a.m. so we are ready to do coffee hour the next day. Please email Autumn at to sign up/lead this clean-up day.
Memorial Service for Ann Haub, on March 19th at 1pm.
Refreshments to follow in Deale Hall.

The Board of Trustees: 
President: Amanda Tapfield          
Clerk: Bob Spelman
Vice-President: Judy Gustafson     
Treasurer: Teresa Wilmot 
Trustees: Khanh Oehlke, Sarah Greer, Jami Edmonds

The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL  |   4848 Turner St., Rockford, IL 61107   |   815-398-6322    |  |

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