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What is Unitarian Universalism? August 29, 2021, at 10:00 a.m.Onlineand In-Person Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson What are the essential theological ideas of our living tradition? How do those ideas shape our lives and how would we explain them to another? What makes us who we are? BRING A FRIEND SUNDAY – bring someone along who might be curious about us, or invite them to watch with you.
Or just email me at and let me know and I’ll put you in the system for that day.
Thank you!
Happy Birthday to: Eugene Duncanson (08/27), Sandee Poznan (08/28) Lynn Liston (08/29), Sarah Werhane (08/30), & Shavonne White (08/30)!
A memorial service will be held for Dorothy Hill Saturday, August 28, at 4:00 p.m. Address is 1168 State Rte. 38 Dixon, IL 61021
Questions please contact Bruce at 970-739-9907
Ann Haub recently moved and would like for members to know her new address and phone number are (815) 316-6979 4141 North Rockton Ave Rockford, IL
We will Share the Plate with Angelic Organics
Angelic Organics is dedicated to creating and forwarding an economically viable, organic, Biodynamic farm that nurtures its soil, plants, animals, and community of workers, and enlivens the connection between people and the source of their food. We are committed to providing the freshest, most vibrant food possible to our customers.
For more informationclick here. Click Here to Donate
Join Us for Bring A Friend Sunday on August 29th!
One of the greatest gifts we can give a friend is the opportunity to join us on a journey to search for deeper truth and a life of love, kindness, and service.
Please invite a friend or two to attend service on August 29th. Rev. Matthew’s topic is “What is UUism anyway?” Make sure to introduce yourself and your friend to me. Questions, Rev. Joyce Palmer
Earning Money While Doing Good
On Thursday night, the First Universalist Church of Denver is presenting a short workshop on community investing as a means of promoting racial justice. You can watch the Zoom session in our church’s library at 8 pm on Thursday night, August 26th. The investments they review all funnel capital into low socio-economic neighborhoods. Some organizations invest in woman-owned businesses, some in black- and POC-owned businesses, and some in community projects. These organizations provide financial education as well as loans to people and businesses that are ignored by standard banks. This capital builds small business, funds mortgages, and provides community infrastructure that offers new jobs and grows individuals’ wealth. The neighborhood is strengthened and the overall economy grows.
Community investing or impact investing is a type of fixed income investing like bonds, as compared with stocks or equities. While bonds are not “insured” as are deposits in a bank or credit union, they are generally considered less risky investments than equities with the advantage of earning more interest than insured accounts. A diversified investment portfolio includes some percentage of fixed income.
Are you tired of earning pennies on your savings account? Community investment might be an option for some of that money. Join me Thursday night to learn more.
Submitted by Teresa Wilmot
Path to Membership Class!
Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford is pleased to announce the 2021 PATH to Membership Class will take place on Saturday, September 11 from 9:30 – 2:00 at UU Church, Rockford. Library. Rev. Matthew, Rev. Joyce, and members of the Membership Team will provide an overview of the church and ways to connect. Come out and meet other newcomers and get your questions answered.
When: September 11, 9:30 – 2:00
Where: UU Church Rockford Library
Who: Anyone interested in learning more about Unitarian Universalism, membership, and meeting other exciting newcomers
Next Meeting September 5, after service in the Library
At our August meeting members of the Prison Ministry Team discussed goals, direction and hopes for our work together. There are members interested in working to reform the prison system, others looking to support returning citizens in their adjustment, and others looking for opportunities to connect through the CLF Prison Pen Pal program. This group continues to welcome new members to join us as we seek to learn more about the ways we can have an impact. Please join us. If you have questions, please contact Rev. Joyce Palmer
• “Door of no return opens up Ghana’s slave past” By Orla Ryan 5 MIN REAd. From Reuters, here is an article from 2007 as Britain marks the bicentenary of its abolition of the slave trade. Elmina is the place in Ghana Rev. Palmer described.
• The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow. In thinking about new understandings as we go thru the doors of possible and impossible, as Rev. Palmer said, and of the song line “hope awaits at every turn,” I stumbled across this debut novel. I wonder, do we look for doors of possibility? The reviews here are rapturous in their praise. Brill•”Finding Community at Queens Bodega” by Amy Brill. [short story] Amy Brill remembers growing up, and growing into a community, at the neighborhood bodega in Corona, Queens. A story of what is home.
In faith,
Dale Dunnigan
Social Justice Updates
RSVP text to 779-770:7690 (Dale). Dessert provided
Green Sanctuary will meet on the 4th Sunday of each month at Mary’s Market. The first meeting is on August 22 at 11:45 a.m.
Eliminate Racism 815 Book Discussion
Thursday, August 26, 2021, 6:00 p.m.
Join us by zoom for a discussion of Reaching and Teaching Students in Poverty by Paul Gorski: Describes the knowledge and skills teachers and school administrators need to recognize and combat bias and inequity that undermine educational engagement for students experiencing poverty.
Please read the book on your own and we will discuss it.
Book discussions are presented in partnership with Rockford Public Library.
*Church Calendar*
-Justice for All Meeting will meet on September 12th at 11:10 a.m. in the Conference Room
-Social Justice Committee will meet on September 8th at 7:00 p.m. in the Library
– Coffee Hour on Sunday Zoom 337-267-3668. 11:10 am.
– Touchstones: contact your touchstones group facilitator for the time, if you don’t already have it.
– Caring Team Meeting – The first Tuesday of each month
The next one is Tuesday, September 7th at 6 pm in the Library
– Membership Team Meetingsare on the 1st Thursday of the month at 7 pm. Meeting ID: 980 2780 4780
– Green Sanctuary will meet on the 4th Sunday of each month at 11:45 a.m. at Mary’s Market
Community Events
Not Quite Glitzy Books & More Sale
Saturday, Aug. 28, 8am-5pm
Pre-Sale Night Friday, Aug 27, 5:30-7:30pm
3333 Maria Linden Drive, Rockford, 61107
Who doesn’t love books, games, puzzles, toys? Come explore and purchase a variety of items at this fundraiser for Womanspace. You will find gently-used books, DVDs, CDs, video games, other games, puzzles, and nice toys for all ages – all under the Womanspace outdoor pavilion. Rain or shine.
Pre-Sale Night – For a $5 fee, shop early on Friday night (5:30-7:30) for the best choice. Come Friday and also visit the “Anything Goes” art opening as well as a special pottery sale to help fund a new chairlift in the Womanspace art studio.
The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL | 4848 Turner St., Rockford, IL 61107 | 815-398-6322 | |